Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Upcoming Races - From Chips Website
October 2, 2005 - Sacramento Marathon/Half-Marathon/Relay/5K (Sacramento)
October 8, 2005 - Chevy's Fresh Mex Run (Sacramento)
October 9, 2005 - POOCH Classic 5K Run/Walk/Sit (Citrus Heights)
October 16, 2005 - Humbolt Redwoods Half-Marathon (Weott)PA/USATF Road Race
October 30, 2005 - Four Bridges Half-Marathon/Relay (Folsom)
November 5, 2005 - Fleet Feet Open XC, 6K(Carmichael)
November 6, 2005 - Apple Hill Harvest 8.5M, 3.5M, Kids 1/2 (Camino)
November 13, 2005 - 40th Clarksburg Country Run 30K/5K/1M Kids (Clarksburg)PA/USATF Road Race
November 19, 2005 - Davis Turkey Trot 5K/10K (Davis)
November 24, 2005 - Run to Feed the Hungry 5K/10K (Sacramento)
November 27, 2005 - Run to the Far Side XXI 5K/10K (San Francisco)
December 4, 2005 - California International Marathon (Sacramento)PA/USATF Road Race
December 11, 2005 - Christmas Relays (San Francisco)PA/USATF Road Race
December 31, 2005 - Midnight Run 2006 (Sacramento)
February 4, 2006 - Jed Smith Ultra Classic 50M, 50K, 30K (Sacramento)
Posted by
9/27/2005 12:04:00 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Important letter from Gail Hart
Dear Friends and Family,
I am writing this letter to all of you on behalf of a good friend of mine, Lynn Keane. Lynn will be competing the Janus Charity Challenge at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii next month to raise month for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Lynn is a ˜full-time" Mom of 2 boys (Ian, 9 and Ryan, 12), wife of Kevin (endodontist and great triathlete), and AMAZING triathlete (in her spare time!!!). Lynn has been racing since 1987. She did take the years off that she gave birth to the boys, but she was " "out there" supporting Kevin while he carried on the Keane triathlon tradition.
Next month she is competing in her 8th Ironman distance race and "6th" Ironman in Kona. For those of you not familiar with the Kona Ironman - this is the Championship of all the Ironman races for the year. Only triathletes can come who have qualified by winning their age group, at a qualifier Ironman. This is the elite of the elite. This is THE RACE. Lynn has qualified for this race 6 times. That's an incredible feat of athleticism. In addition to being just an all time great athlete she is the nicest person. She is always smiling when she's training. She's always got an encouraging word for her those of us "back of the packers". She's got a great sense of humor. (Here's a little snippet of her humor) ------- Last year she was coming back from a serious injury that had sidelined her for months. She came back to "win her age group" at the Cali-Man Half Ironman and was interviewed at the finish line. The interviewer very seriously inquired about her running/cycling injury and she replied that "She had been dropped during a difficult stunt during a Cirque du Soleil performance". I think the interviewer was stunned.
So - why do I write to you about Lynn. Because this year Lynn wanted to "GIVE BACK" to an organization that is near and dear to her heart, The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Lynn's sister, sister-in-law, and her dear friend and next door neighbor, are battling breast cancer. Lynn will be competing in the Janus Charity Challenge at the Kona World Championships in October to raise money for the Komen Foundation.
Please, please, please, take a moment to go to her website www.faithhopecourage.com to read her story and the stories of her loved ones that she is raising money for. Every $$$ helps her fund raising effort, the people who have breast cancer, and the ones who are yet to be diagnosed. They will all benefit from every research dollar.
I know Lynn will have a great race because this year she is swimming (2.4 miles), cycling (112 miles), and running (26.2 miles), with so many of us sending her so many good vibes. Please send your dollars as well.
Health to you all,
Gail Gutterman Hart
Posted by
9/25/2005 10:42:00 PM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Board Position Opening and Editor Position
Fellow Chips: We currently are looking for one or two individuals that would be interested in working with the board on two important areas.
The first is the membership coordinator: This position assists the board on keeping membership information current. Provides mailings to new and existing club members regarding membership status and renewals.
The second position is for the Editor of the Buffalo Chips Enquirer. This is a role for a creative individual with much better writing skills than I. Works with board and chip members to provide fun and interesting content for quarterly newsletters.
If your interested please contact Tony Lafferty at poidog38@yahoo.com
Posted by
9/22/2005 01:11:00 AM
Monday, September 19, 2005
Buffalo Chips Weekly News Update
Twenty-Five Years Is A Long Run-Nostalgia
This month, and somewhere here towards the end of the month marks the 25th Anniversary of our Club's Tuesday Night Workouts in the format we now enjoy. In the very early days of the Chips, there was a group of really, really, hardcore guys who met for a workout session on Tuesday evenings. While not a "closed club," it was only for the very fast and serious, as their warmup sessions were usually faster than 6:30 min/mile and their actual workouts the result of the most persuasive talker that night and what he wanted to do. In those early days, the slowest guy attending such workouts was running sub 2:40 for the marathon, so...clearly there were no women, and the sessions were very intense.Parrott had tried one of those meetings, after he was regularly comfortable at a "sub 3 hour" marathon finish, but he never did find out what the group ran for it's workout, as he was dropped in the warmup.In the summer of 1980, Parrott had been working with Heike Skaden (then still in high school) when she chose to switch clubs and run for a new elite group that was forming. Parrott and Bill Stainbrook decided to begin a formal "women's marathon group" with the Buffalo Chips. Bill Stainbrook was a low 2:40 marathoner and he was just finishing his teaching credential. He had been working with Bev Marx in her training, and there were 3 or 4 other "Chip women" who all wanted to run new PRs in the half to full marathon and who were all running solid mileage on their own. A "entry standard" was set for the women's group of being able to "run 10 miles under 70 minutes," and the first sessions were planned for middle or late September, 1980.Just as the Fall school term was starting, Bill took a full-time teaching position, and he decided he did not have the time to be actively involved in coaching with the women's group, and thus the new "Tuesday Night Training Program" became George Parrott and about 6 of the then fastest women in Sacramento.In that first year, only about three of the women could make the 5:30 p.m. workout start, so Parrott would run their session (often 3 x 1 mile) and then return to the "Graduate" (now gone, but near the Guy West Bridge on University Avenue) and meet the remaining 2 or three for a second session. It was also great training for Parrott's speed work.In that early group, we had Heidi Skaden (Heike's mom), Joan Reiss, Eileen Claugus, Bev Marx, Debbie Bispo (who won several of the local marathons in that time), and Nancy and Bill's sister, whose full names I currently cannot remember. The group goal was the "sub 3 marathon." We had every quarter mile marked on University Ave. and American River Drive...and still maintain most of those marks, and after the Tuesday night sessions got infiltrated by males and made formally "coed," we had up to 130 attendees during some of the Fall CIM buildups.Jeff Hayes, who still runs for the club and can be seen running along the American River Parkway, was one of the first males to join with the women's group, and was the regular training partner for Eileen Claugus, since both of them were about the same (super) speed.In the second year of the group, Kathy Pfieffer was recruited to join, and though she was still in college (later at CSUS), she elected to run road races regularly. Kathy went on to set the CSUS women's 10k record which stood for about 10 years, and she is still our club record holder for the 10k, as she turned a 32:59 on the track running later as a fully sponsored Reebok athlete.Eileen Claugus is still the club record holder for the marathon with several sub 2:40 finishes, and a 2:37 PR. Eileen won the Mexico City, Honolulu, and SF Marathons during her racing career and was first American and 3rd overall at Boston in 1982.Joan Reiss and Bev Marx also went on to "break 3 hours" in the marathon, as did Kathy Pfieffer and many later arriving regional women. In 1984 or so, Karen Coe was about our fastest female then competing (around 2:55 territory), and she won the October Sacramento Marathon while being chased closely in the first 15 miles by a Davis resident, Christine Iwahashi. Karen ran "sub 3" that day, and Chris finished some 20 minutes back, but appeared in late October at a club workout after a personal recruiting pitch by Parrott.During the time 1982-84, we also had a small set of really fast males at workout, perhaps because we had attractive, single, fast women there Jim Howard set the club's marathon record which stood for about 15 years with a 2:18:06 at the Avenue of the Giants, and Chris Turney went on to win the Napa Marathon (2:26). Howard, in a 3 month period as a Chip, won the AR50, the Avenue of the Giants Marathon, and intentionally tied for the win at the Western States 100, and 2 weeks after the 100 miler ran a 2:19 marathon at the SF Marathon (Parrott tried to keep him for doing this last race).In those early days, with the strong core of dedicated women racers, Parrott was running up Heartbreak Hill at Boston when he heard a bystander remark, "Look, there is a man in a Buffalo Chips singlet, I thought it was ONLY a women's running club!" Our women's open group has WON the Boston women's TEAM title THREE TIMES, the master's title at least once, or was it twice We have also won NATIONAL marathon championship Women's Open Team, and our club teams have won multiple national 100km awards in all divisions.Frequently during the early 1990's we would have the American record holder at 100 miles and 24 hours (Rae Clark, long time club member) and the U.S. 10k road and track record holder (Mark Nenow, still holder of the U.S. road record) both at Tuesday night workout at the same time. We have hosted several U.S. female international team members at Tuesday workouts including Robin Root, Linda Sommers, and Eileen Claugus and currently Jen Pfeifer has been a recent U.S. team member of the 100k squad, as, of course, has Rich Hanna.And it all started back in 1980, and we have grown with the times, expanded to be open to all levels of participants, and to be most PRO-active for runner safety on a year round basis. SPECIAL TUESDAY NIGHT WORKOUT-CELEBRATION SEPTEMBER 27th!September Marks the 25th Anniversary of the Tuesday Night Workouts.We would like to see as many Chips come out that evening to mark this occasion. Those that participated during the inaugural season are encouraged to attend and share a story or two. We will have some refreshments and desserts. Of course you are all welcome to run prior.Zoo Zoom a Big Reward For Chips-John Nichols Doubles
John Nichols is THE story of this year's 5/10k races at the Zoo Zoom. Since these events go off sequentially rather than simultaneously, John opted to run, to run both and WON his age division in BOTH RACES ! His report is that he will do anything for a Aardvark trophy! Good Job, John !Other great performances in the 5k, Cindy Scott and Helga Miles both claimed division recognitions. For men, Andy Hitchings and Gordon Hall got called to the podium.For the 10k, Jenny Hitchings was third overall (1st 40-44), with division awards noted for Aaron Ferguson, Chuck Nichols, and Ron Peck, in addition to "greedy" Nichols.Jamba Juice 5k, PA-USATF Championship Event, SF
Doug Braasch, William Pequinot, Barbara Miller, Joel Contreras, Jim Fischer, Roger Fong (1st 70-74 division), Bill Bommer, Lindsay Pears-Dickson, Linda Hall, Kate Sutherland, Karen Fischer, Claire Hanamoto, Carolyn Leung, and Johanne Christmas represented the herd at this event.Coming-Paso Robles 10k, PA-USATF Scoring Race-Sept. 25
While this is a long drive, the 2005 hosting promises more prizes to all entrants, including random $$$ at the finish line. This is a true PR quality course, and it is a good venue for a new personal best effort. Check with Linda Hall about further race details and travel options.National and International Running News...
Denna Kastor continues her pursuit of a sub 2:20 marathon, which she is hoping for at Chicago next month. In Philadelphi on Sunday, she set a new American Half-Marathon record (1:07:53) and turned the fastest ever female time run in this country ! Way to go Deena!A 59:05 won the Great North Run (Half-marathon) in the U.K. this past weekend, for a $10,000 new CR bonus ! YOU compute that pace!Christopher Calfee Sets Endurance Run Record: 318 Miles !
Finishing on Sunday, Sept. 18, Chris Calfee of Virginia set a new standard for the sleep deprived of ultra-running. He turned 318+ miles nonstop to wipe out Pam Reed's 301 mile distance of this past Spring.Calfee apparently ran this with the support of many in the Virginia ultra-running community on a loop course of 12 or 13 miles (unclear at this time), but the AMAZING detail is that his last 3.1 miles were run in a local 5k RACE where he turned a 19:15 finishing time and won his age division !!!!
Calfee has completed numerous regional ultras and is a math teacher in the school system there in Midlothian, VA.
Posted by
9/19/2005 01:26:00 AM
Upcoming Races - From Chips Website
September 17, 2005 - Zoo Zoom 10K/5K/Kids (Sacramento)
September 18, 2005 - Jamba Juice 5K (San Francisco)PA/USATF Road Race
September 24, 2005 - Mather Mud Run 5M/2M (Rancho Cordova)
September 25, 2005 - Heritage Oaks Bank 10K (Paso Robles)PA/USATF Road Race
October 2, 2005 - Sacramento Marathon/Half-Marathon/Relay/5K (Sacramento)
October 8, 2005 - Chevy's Fresh Mex Run (Sacramento)
October 9, 2005 - POOCH Classic 5K Run/Walk/Sit (Citrus Heights)
October 16, 2005 - Humbolt Redwoods Half-Marathon (Weott)PA/USATF Road Race
October 30, 2005 - Four Bridges Half-Marathon/Relay (Folsom)
November 5, 2005 - Fleet Feet Open XC, 6K(Carmichael)
November 6, 2005 - Apple Hill Harvest 8.5M, 3.5M, Kids 1/2 (Camino)
November 13, 2005 - 40th Clarksburg Country Run 30K/5K/1M Kids (Clarksburg)PA/USATF Road Race
November 19, 2005 - Davis Turkey Trot 5K/10K (Davis)
November 24, 2005 - Run to Feed the Hungry 5K/10K (Sacramento)
November 27, 2005 - Run to the Far Side XXI 5K/10K (San Francisco)
December 4, 2005 - California International Marathon (Sacramento)PA/USATF Road Race
December 11, 2005 - Christmas Relays (San Francisco)PA/USATF Road Race
December 31, 2005 - Midnight Run 2006 (Sacramento)
February 4, 2006 - Jed Smith Ultra Classic 50M, 50K, 30K (Sacramento)
Posted by
9/19/2005 01:25:00 AM
Monday, September 12, 2005
FOUND AT STAMPEDE ON 9/11/05- A set of keys for a Toyota. Please contact Shanna Fanning at Tuesday night workout or 916-752-8399.
Posted by
9/12/2005 03:59:00 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Stampede Volunteers Needed!!
We have a special raffle for you!!
If you are not running in the Stampede or Migration this Sunday, we need your help with course monitoring and set-up at this Buffalo Chips tradition. Plus, you get a T-shirt and a chance in the volunteer only raffle. Please call Race Co-Director Shanna Fanning @ 444-8548, or Tony Smith @ 366-7475 and let us know you will pitch in. (That way we don't have to call you). THANKS......
Posted by
9/07/2005 08:41:00 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005
Buffalo Chips Weekly News Update
Buffalo Stampede/Migration Coming Sept. 11, 2005
This year's best 10 miler is coming this weekend. The Buffalo Stampede/Migration welcomes participants at all levels with the 7 a.m. early start and the 8:10 a.m. Stampede start for those seeking racing awards and paces faster than 10 min/mile. Again, the Migration is for those entrants who will have finish pace averages SLOWER than 10 minutes a mile. This early start allows these participants three hours to complete the 10 miles, but is not part of the scoring for finisher awards. The 8:10 a.m. start (Stampede) has a 2 hour time limit, and awards will be done promptly starting at 10:30 a.m. And there is a kid's half-mile on the track at Rio Americano starting at 10 a.m. The Stampede/Migration is THE 10 Miles for everyone from racer to pacer !All entrants receive a technical fabric shirt with a new and beautiful design and of course, all the course support of three aid stations and about the best/fastest, and easiest 10 miles in the whole country. The weather projections for this coming Sunday are PERFECT for the event, so... let's see ALL THE HERD at Rio Americano H.S. on Sunday !Mark Lantz Wins Run On The Sly 50 Miles in Record Time Chip Mark Lantz continues his successes on the trail ultra circuit with a new CR and overall win in the ROTS 50 miles. Additional results are NOT available as of this time (Late Monday evening).
World Results 1500m Men Try 5000m on TrackThe top U.S. 1500m/milers both tried the 5000 in Europe this past weekend. Bernard Lagat won with a 12:59 and Alan Webb produced a new PR at 13:10.
Wow !This JUST came in, and it sure fits with the upcoming Stampede... FASTEST EVER 10 Miles on a WR Quality Course On a loop course in the Netherlands on Sunday, Sept 4, a new WORLD RECORD was produced for 10 miles. Passing the 5k split in a flying 13:46 and 10k in 27:35, Haile Gebrselassie powered alone on a warm late summer day toward history's fastest 10 miles ever. Crossing the finish line in 44:24, his time erased a 44:45 by Kenyan Paul Keoch which was set on a less credible point-to-point course in Holland in 1997. Gebrselassie averaged a bit less than 4:27 per mile for the 10 mile distance. By the way the course record for the Stampede is in the high 47 minute range (set by a visiting Brit), and one year, with PA-USATF championship status the Buffalo Stampede produced 6 runners finishing under 50 minutes.
Posted by
9/05/2005 03:57:00 PM
Upcoming Races - From Chips Website
September 11, 2005 - Buffalo Stampede 10M/Kids (Sacramento)
September 15, 2005 - POOCH Classic 5K Run/Walk/Sit (Citrus Heights)
September 17, 2005 - Zoo Zoom 10K/5K/Kids (Sacramento)
September 18, 2005 - Jamba Juice 5K (San Francisco)PA/USATF Road Race
September 24, 2005 - Mather Mud Run 5M/2M (Rancho Cordova)
September 25, 2005 - Heritage Oaks Bank 10K (Paso Robles)PA/USATF Road Race
October 2, 2005 - Sacramento Marathon/Half-Marathon/Relay/5K (Sacramento)
October 8, 2005 - Chevy's Fresh Mex Run (Sacramento)
October 16, 2005 - Humbolt Redwoods Half-Marathon (Weott)PA/USATF Road Race
October 30, 2005 - Four Bridges Half-Marathon/Relay (Folsom)
November 5, 2005 - Fleet Feet Open XC, 6K(Carmichael)
November 6, 2005 - Apple Hill Harvest 8.5M, 3.5M, Kids 1/2 (Camino)
November 13, 2005 - 40th Clarksburg Country Run 30K/5K/1M Kids (Clarksburg)PA/USATF Road Race
November 19, 2005 - Davis Turkey Trot 5K/10K (Davis)
November 24, 2005 - Run to Feed the Hungry 5K/10K (Sacramento)
November 27, 2005 - Run to the Far Side XXI 5K/10K (San Francisco)
December 4, 2005 - California International Marathon (Sacramento)PA/USATF Road Race
December 11, 2005 - Christmas Relays (San Francisco)PA/USATF Road Race
December 31, 2005 - Midnight Run 2006 (Sacramento)
February 4, 2006 - Jed Smith Ultra Classic 50M, 50K, 30K (Sacramento)
Posted by
9/05/2005 03:53:00 PM
Cross country News
The season is on and the Chips have been flying. Gina Mandy lead the master's women at Empire last saturday with a solid 6th place finish. Men's master's division was represented by two first timer XC Harriers, Jeff Adams and Steve Ashe. Although taking a minor spill in the first loop, Steve managed to re-group and have a solid finish. Men's senior and super-senior "usual suspects": Dennis Scott, Joel Contreras, Ben LaSala, and Arnold Utterback. Next Saturday is one of the big ones! Golden Gate Park, classic cross country for the uninitiated and a great venue for anyone who has run the course. We need a strong turn out of Chip runners this Saturday...Everyone is welcome. Let's run some XC, have some fun and show off our talent. USATF PA card needed and willingness to run with the team.. and we will get you there. Call Arnold 444-2506 (work 485-4193) or Gina
Posted by
9/05/2005 03:39:00 PM