Monday, November 21, 2005

Buffalo Chips Weekly News Update

Run To Feed The Hungry, Thursday, 24 November

Be there or be square….The RTFTH is “the” Fall event for all runners, walkers and everyone. A new start should ease the congestion previously experienced and starting “chip mats” will give all runners a personal “chip time” as well as a total “gun time.” See you THERE.

Buffalo Bash is Coming….
Get your reservations in NOW

The annual highlight of Sacramento running and high society is coming the evening of 4 December at the Riverfront Dining area on the CSUS campus. The BUFFALO BASH will feature a retrospective of the 77-78-79 XC teams that placed 6th, then 4th, then 2nd in the U.S. in Division II XC. Several of the CSUS athletes went on to run 2:15 and FASTER in the marathon after their college careers on campus. Join us to honor these incredible early inspirations in Sacramento running…

Send your reservations to:

Abe Underwood 11406 Gold Hill Ct, Gold River CA 95670

Thanks, Abe

We MUST have a head count for the food planning. Desserts to share are ALWAYS welcome after a marathon !!!!

WOW…Chips Run Strongly at the Davis Turkey Trot 5k/10k,
Saturday 19 November

(From Linda Hall)

Another ideal day for running in Davis at the Turkey Trot 5 and 10 k races. Many from the herd were running in the crisp sunny weather with leaves falling like snow flakes at times!

Here are the chips I saw (I am certain I missed some... my apologies). Many won prizes (as indicated by the age group place in parenthesis). Prizes were very nice blue technical shirts for 1st place winners and (I think) warm caps for second place folks:

Nova Poff (1)
Joel Contreras (2)
Jim Fischer (2)
Karen Fischer
Gail Gutterman

10 k
Maggie Ward (1)
Linda Hall (2) (two minutes faster than last year and a new Sac PR!)
Mike Schwartz
Larry White
Lindsay Pears Dickson (a 10 k PR)
Lillian Shek
Nancy Mitchem

Congratulations to everyone. Apologies to any missed !

Final California Marathon Peaking….

Many of the marathon intent were at Rescue for a last long and hard run, and most had a very encouraging experience over the hills and challenges there. Remember that “Rescue” plus 60-65 minutes is a good “predictor” of your full marathon time at the CIM course.

This coming weekend’s longer run will be a final sharpening effort for the marathon trainers: A 10 mile session from Panera, with the middle 6 miles run at 10 mile RACE PACE or even a bit faster. This should be a super solid “10k” type “time trial” and should give you a final edge for your more comfortable marathon race pace the following weekend. Athletes NOT running the full marathon can still greatly benefit from such a workout as it is the core of even half-marathon training and it even helps support racing at distances down to the 5km territory. Come one, come all for the SUNDAY workout from Panera this week.

CIM Volunteer Options….
from Club President, Tony Lafferty…

The California International Marathon is coming soon to a town near you (yes, Sacramento).

Many club members will be running that day. Even if you are not planning on running it is a great event to get out and support in a variety of ways.

First, the Buffalo Chips will be having a information table at the CIM Expo. We are looking for Club Members interested in answering questions and spreading the word about the club at this event. For those that have never done "booth duty" it can be a lot of fun talking with folks and supporting the club.

Second, The Chips volunteer to work at an Aid Station each year. It is always fun and a welcome site to see you all when often times the wheels are coming off for me. We can use a slew of Chippers to encourage runners there.

If your interested in helping in these first two items contact Tony Smith (Chip Volunteer Coordinator at...

Third: Long Time Chip Wayne Miles is also doing his part and has a special message to share as well... Wane is the CIM Finish Area Manager. Wayne is looking for a variety of duties and promises that it is a rewarding and fun experience.

You can volunteer by emailing Wayne directly at or visiting

CIM is a Big event for Sacramento and the Chips. I hope to see you all out on the course!!

Club Western States 100 Important News:

Buffalo Chips Western States 100 Entry Lottery

It is that time of year again. The Western States 100 will soon be holding the annual drawing to determine who gets the chance to participate. Nearly half of those entered in the draw do not get to run in this most challenging distance race in northern California.

The Buffalo Chips Running Club is awarded one coveted spot each year to be used by a club member. This year we will hold our own WS drawing. The intent is to select the winner at the Bash Sunday December 4).

Requirements to enter this lottery are simple:

1)Must be a Buffalo Chip Club Member.
2) You must have qualified and have a valid, paid registration for the
Western States 100 mile Endurance Run 2006.
3) Submit a request to Tony Lafferty ( by Friday December 2 to participate in the Buffalo Chips WS Lottery.

Selection Process:

1)Board will review selection list from the Official WS Lottery to be held December 3. Those Buffalo Chip Runners that where not selected in the lottery will be entered into the Buffalo Chip Lottery Draw.
2) One name will be selected randomly and notified of selection.
Questions can be directed to Tony Lafferty.

Comrades 2006 Club Trip…Deposits DUE!

Interest deposits ($500/person) are due NOW for those interested in joining the club group trip to the Comrades Marathon in South Africa (12-29 June 2006) and the safari/Kilimanjaro experience after. Checks made out to George Parrott by 4 December. Further payments in early February and then final payment in late April with final amount expected to be about $4700/person. Please see the club website for further trip details.

Buffalo Chips Weekly Workout Update

REFLECTIVE Apparel REQUIRED in ALL CHIPS evening workouts!!!

Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. from 251 Commerce Circle
Why - Form & Speed
2 Sets of:
A-D...2, 1.5, 1
E-F....2, 1, 1
G-H...2, 1
SS & FW..steady

Thursday, 8AM - Run to Feed the Hungry, CSUS & J Street
Why - Race & DONATE - and get negative calories for the eating later!!
Run to Feed the Hungry 5K/10K Options

Saturday, 8:00 a.m. from University Park on University Ave.
Why - Base or form
5-8 miles with tempo option.

Sunday, 8:00 a.m. from Panera Bread Co, 901 Howe Ave.
Why - Final race sharpening for CIM in ONE WEEK!
Recommended - 2 mile warmup to 8.5mi mark on the bike trail, followed by a 6 mile HARD temp with turn at 11.5mi mark. Then 2 mile cool down.

Upcoming Races - From Chips Website

November 24, 2005 - Run to Feed the Hungry 5K/10K (Sacramento)
November 27, 2005 - Run to the Far Side XXI 5K/10K (San Francisco)
December 4, 2005 - California International Marathon (Sacramento)
December 11, 2005 - Christmas Relays (San Francisco) PA/USATF Road Race
December 31, 2005 - Midnight Run 2006 (Sacramento)
January 1, 2006 - Resolution Run 10M/10K/5K (Auburn)
February 4, 2006 - Jed Smith Ultra Classic 50M, 50K, 30K (Sacramento)

Buffalo Chips Western States 100 Entry Lottery

It is that time of year again. The Western States 100 will soon be holding the annual drawing to determine who gets the chance to participate. Nearly half of those entered in the draw do not get to run in this most challenging distance race in northern California.

The Buffalo Chips Running Club is awarded one coveted spot each year to be used by a club member. This year we will hold our own WS drawing. The intent is to select the winner at the Bash Sunday December 4).

Requirements to enter this lottery are simple:

1)Must be a Buffalo Chip Club Member.

2) You must have qualified and have a valid,paid registration for the
Western States 100 mile Endurance Run 2006.

2) Submit a request to Tony Lafferty( by Friday December 2 to participate in the Buffalo Chips WS Lottery.

Selection Process:

1)Board will review selection list from the Official WS Lottery to be held December 3. Those Buffalo Chip Runners that where not selected in the lottery will be entered into the Buffalo Chip Lottery Draw.

2) One name will be selected randomly and notified of selection.

Questions can be directed to Tony Lafferty




Where: CSUS Campus at the River Front Center in the new Kung Fu Fat's Buffet. Same place as past years (behind the Book Store).

When: 5:00 pm no-host Social Hour - 6:00 pm Dinner

What Else: The program for the evening will include the annual performance awards, special recognition awards, a tribute to the CSUS X-C program and some other fun surprises.

Make your reservation early. The cost is $10 in advance before Dec. 1st. $15 at the door and kids are $5. Mail you checks and reservations to: Abe Underwood, 11406 Gold Hill Ct. Gold River, CA 95670 (916)638-3900

New Newsletter Editors!

Well it appears Nancy was able to find people to relieve her of the Newsletter editor duties. Please welcome these two people and update your address books.

Please email your stories, articles and photos to Suzanne Cook at and/or Sara Heintz at

Volunteers Needed for Chips CIM Aid Station

Volunteers are needed for the Buffalo Chips CIM aid station at the corner of El Camino and Fair Oaks (mile 15.5) in Carmichael. Come out and show your support the for the club and for all of the chips participating in the biggest running event in the area. The race will be held on December 4 and volunteers are needed from 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Please contact Kate Anthony by e-mail at or by phone at 916-283-6108.


The Youth Chip Cross Country Team is seeking any and all donations to aid in their trip to the National Championships In Providence, RI on December 10, 2005. Based on the seasons accomplishments thus far, it looks like the team will once again boast over 40 area youth representing the Buffalo Chips at the Junior Olympic National Championships. The Chips Intermediate Girls (15-16) are three time defending National Champion Team, the Chips Young Women (17-18) are two time defending National Champion Team, and the Midget Boys (11-12) are three time defending Association and Region 14 Champion Team. For the first time in the youth's history we are excited to have a young boys team that will be a top contender for a National Championship. Our top five 12 year old boys had a spread of only 21 seconds while running at a 5:41-5:51 mile pace and sweeping the last PAUSATF XC race of the season 1-2-3-4-5. Our sixth and seventh! runners were only 20 seconds back!! Four times this season the boys have swept XC races 1-5 and twice 1-7. Combined, they have also set 8 new course records this year!

While the team receives approximately $2,000 from the Chips Board each year, and has raised over $1,600 on their own, the money raised only scratches the surface of the total team costs. With travel, hotel and food costs of about $600 per athlete, our cost for the team this year will top out over $24,000. The Chips Youth parents bear the brunt of the costs. However, this year we also found ourselves in need of several new uniforms to replace aging ones, new equipment, and other unexpected costs. We have 4 talented youth that would like to go to the National meet but, their parents lack the financial ability to cover the costs. The youth coaches (2) and assistant coaches (3) combined donated and paid expenses of over $5,000 this year for the team but, we cannot personally afford any additional donations this year.

So, we are desperately seeking donations to help gifted young runners represent the Buffalo Chips this year. All donations are tax deductible and will receive a receipt acknowledging your wonderful donation. Donations can be mailed to BUFFALO CHIPS RUNNING CLUB, YOUTH DONATION, P.O. BOX 19908, SACRAMENTO , CA 95819-0908, or a new on-line donation link has been established at:

Any assistance you can provide to this worthy cause will be deeply appreciated.

George H. Paddeck
Youth Coordinator, Head Coach

Monday, November 14, 2005

Buffalo Chips Weekly News Update

Clarksburg Classic Races, 5K, half-marathon, 30K, 20M

(From Linda Hall)It was a perfect day for running in Clarksburg 30k (along with the 5k, half marathon, and 20 milers) and there was a lot of the herd out and running. There was a very nice new long sleeve T shirt design this year representing the lovely vineyards that line much of the way.

For the 30k (the one for the USATF team scoring) I saw:

For the Men:
Mike Maguire 2:04:47
Dennis Early 2:06:39
Young Joe Krtil 2:14:51
Bob Sharman 2:17:46
Doug Braasch 2:17:53 (won third place in his age group)
Chris Enfante 2:17:53
Ernie Takahashi 2:22
Arnie Utterbach 2:28:53
Bill Pequinot 2:32:21
Mario Sanchez 2:42:37
Joel Contreras 2:43:37
Jim Fischer 2:44:07
Jim Yee 2:59:57
Tony Alvarez 3:12:45

For the women:
Jenny Hitchings 2:07:28 (second in age group)
Gina Mandy 2:22:40
Barbara Miller 2:32:32 (first in age group)
Elizabeth Ware 2:37:42
Barbara Elia 2:59:54 (second in age group) (outkicked Jim Yee at the finish so that she would get under 3 hours.....great work by both Barbara and Jim)
Anne Veling 2:48 (fifth woman 50-59)
Cynci Calvin 3:05:35 (the Impalas noted her time and are now really worried about when she will join the Super Seniors team!!!)
Linda Hall 3:18:37 (11 minutes faster than last year!)
Lesa Havert 3:43:15

For the super senior women's team we will score Barbara Miller, Barbara Elia, and Linda Hall. This guarantees us another first place finish and first place overall for the PAUSATF grand prix for road racing. Hurrah and thanks to all the super senior women who have participated this year!

I am sure I missed a few, because there were other chips singlets out there. I just missed their names on the score sheets.

Some chips race the 20 miler so we cannot score them on the USATF teams.....maybe next year, they could run the 30 k and just tack a 1.4 mile on before or after the race. Here are the 20 milers I saw:

Shanna 3:14:13 (who lead the group of 3 to the finish)
Mark Murray, 2:12, FIRST OVERALL !!!!!!!

(From Mark Murray…)
It was Nichols wise (cherry picking) advice that prompted me to jump in the 20 miler. I was mostly pleased that I stuck with my ‘training run’ plan and went out at 6:40-45’s for the first 10, and then 6:30’s for the return. It helped that I needed to make up a full 2 minute gap at the turn around on first. It also helped that it was my birthday—43.

Please forgive me for another one of my nostalgic lapses…

Twenty seven years ago, having just recently moved to California as a high school sophomore from New York, I was persuaded by my new best friend—Dave Hamer—to enter what would be my first road race, the Pepsi 20. I had just completed a very unmemorable debut cross country season as a mid-packer on the JV team at San Juan. And I’m guessing my longest run at that point was maybe 12 miles. Dave’s brother Chris was our driver. It was a very cold and rainy day, and as I recall, my ‘sweats’ were a pair of wrangler jeans. As the race started, I foolishly tried to stay with Dave, and soon after the turn around, I was toast—very cold and wet toast. At some point on my jog/walk back to Clarksburg, a nice woman in a 280 Z (that was considered a cool car back then), took pity on me and drove me to the finish. So my road race debut was a DNF. I came back the next year, as a HS junior, and ran sub 2 hours (for 20). I’d certainly love to have those legs back.

Tony Lafferty, 2:45
Rhonda Holden, 3:00
Mike Schwartz 3:14:18
Chris Wellins 3:14:41
Harry Criswell 3:21:53
Dennis Scott 3:22:33
Ron Peck 3:32:17
Lillian Shek 3:4801
Po Adams

In the 5 k, I saw: Roger and Florence Fong and Nova Poff.

Barbara Elia and her significant other have the right idea for after the races.....they were seen enjoying a wine and cheese and chips tail gate party! I think we should make that a Chips tradition after Clarksburg!

Tortoise and Hare 10k, Ann Arbor, MI.

Chris Iwahashi led the small Chips contingent at this classic Fall event with a first masters, 5th overall finish (about 43:xx) in the women’s division. Warren Lockette turned a solid sub 50 minute 10k while harassing several University of Michigan current athletes (swimmers) who were also in the race. The conditions were good and there were probably 600+ participants in a 5k and then 10k and also “iron-combo” race morning.

Coming soon….California International Marathon…and relay option…

Also Chips BUFFALO BASH ANNUAL CLUB PARTY…Evening of 4 December about 5:30-9 p.m.

Buffalo Chips Weekly Workout Update

REFLECTIVE Apparel REQUIRED in ALL CHIPS evening workouts!!!

Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. from 251 Commerce Circle
Why - Turnover & Form
2 Sets of:
A-D...1, 1200, 800
E-F....1, 1000, 800
G-H...1, 800
SS & FW..steady

Thursday, 5:30 p.m. from University Park on University Ave.
Why - Endurance & Base
3-7 miles negative split or ? on Univ. Park Course of Streets.

Saturday, 8:00 a.m. from University Park on University Ave.
Why - Base or running efficiency
Out & back, 6 mile social run or temp run after 2 mile warmup.

Sunday, 8:00 a.m. from Rescue
Why - Strength & mental toughness
Rolling hills of 10-18 miles of perferct marathon prep.

Upcoming Races - From Chips Website

November 19, 2005 - Davis Turkey Trot 5K/10K (Davis)
November 24, 2005 - Run to Feed the Hungry 5K/10K (Sacramento)
November 27, 2005 - Run to the Far Side XXI 5K/10K (San Francisco)
December 4, 2005 - California International Marathon (Sacramento)
December 11, 2005 - Christmas Relays (San Francisco) PA/USATF Road Race
December 31, 2005 - Midnight Run 2006 (Sacramento)
January 1, 2006 - Resolution Run 10M/10K/5K (Auburn)
February 4, 2006 - Jed Smith Ultra Classic 50M, 50K, 30K (Sacramento)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

XC Year-End Wrap-Up

Cross Country season results are in, on the PA/USATF website at , and our Seniors Men once again finished the year as mid-pack as can be: 6th of 11 teams in one of the most competitive divisions in the Pacific Association XC Grand Prix series: See

While our Masters Men showed up for only one race, Folsom, they finished the season ahead of at least one other club: See
Masters, see Steve Ashe for next season...

And our Super-Seniors Men had complete teams at only three races this year; that at least put them on the boards. But they were represented by at least some of their fold at EVERY race this year; and that helped us out, a lot, in completing short Seniors teams at EACH of the races where the Super's didn't have a full team of their own: Empire, Presidio, Folsom, Shoreline, Tamalpa, and the Championships last Sunday. Thanks, guys; our Seniors team couldn't have done it without you! See
Super's, see Ben La Sala or Joel Contreras for next year...

A few of our Chips women showed up at some of the XC races this year, most notably Folsom. But, sadly, even there they were one runner short of a full team. Now's a good time to start building [uh, recruiting?] for next fall; see Gina Mandy...

-Bob Venditti, 916-972-1665,

Monday, November 07, 2005

Buffalo Chips Weekly News Update

Coming…Clarksburg Classic 30k/20 Mile Paul Reese Memorial

The Clarksburg Classic is the continuation of the oldest long distance running race in the whole of Northern California. Formerly the “Pepsi 20,” this was started by Paul Reese to give runners throughout the region a chance to test their training and motivation at a distance not quite a marathon, but still significantly long. Paul had run marathons in Southern California…and throughout the U.S., but here in the whole of the north state, we had nothing over about 10 miles as an option. Paul was one of the “fathers” of the long distance running boom, and this race was his treasured child.

For the last 18 years it has been a 30km to promote our evolution toward metric measurement (encouraged by PA-USATF coordinator John Mansoor), and it has also been a regional PRIZE MONEY race on the Grand Prix circuit.

The course and setting is virtually unchanged from it’s first hosting in Clarksburg, which was it’s third actual venue (earlier closer to Sacramento, but street safety….). Relive our running history by SUPPORTING and participating in the Clarksburg event this weekend.

Cross Country Finale in San Francisco

Undoubtedly several of the dedicated herd made their way to the city for the last race of the PAUSATF series? Results, unfortunately, are not yet available!

Apple Hill Runs…Coordt and N. Frazier Fly!

Another wonderful jewel in our local running was hosted this past weekend with the Apple Hill Runs. For well over 20 years this setting has seen upwards to 1000 runners migrate past the orchards and enjoy the home-grown products of this beautiful area.

Though the finishing half-mile of this course challenges the deepest elements of our training strength, runners are justly rewarded with great post-run goodies and the chance to further savor the food and drink of the area.

Susan Frazier (11) won her division and MARY COORDT won the race with a 54:00 finish (4th OVERALL) in the 8.5 mile distance. Cindy Scott (50) won her division, Judy Shipman was 2nd in the 60-64 group (? How did she run this AND the Helen Klein? WOW !!!!). Kal Lowden was 3rd in the 30-39 and 3rd OVERALL; John Nichols a closing 4th in the 40-44; Howard Ferris 2nd in the 60-64. In the 3.5 mile distance NATHAN FRAZIER (age 15) was the OVERALL WINNER in 19:41. Great Job to all finishers and especially to the FRAZIER family for superb group showing (Mom Linda was 11th of 84 in the women’s 40-49 division).

Helen Klein Asks More From Us @ 30k, 50k and 50 miles

Since runners have developed even more passionate dedication to their sport, there are many for whom 5 or even 9 miles of effort is only a warm-up. Helen Klein, even in her 80’s is one of these legends, and on Saturday her eponymic event was staged along the American River Parkway. Starting and finishing these days at the Cabot School (near Roseville) and coming all the way down to near the Guy West Bridge area, 112 finishers completed the full 50 mile challenge.

Chips were led by Mark Lantz (6:39:37) followed by Rena Schumann (6:55) and Erik Skaden (7:05). Amy (7:44) and Dee Dee Grafius showed up for a mother-daughter duo. Barbara Elia turned another solid 9:08 for this demanding distance and Becky Johnson finishes strong with a 10:38!!

At the 50k, Helen Hull ran 5:06, Ron Peck 5:56.

At the 30k, Steve Polansky (2:51), Shalako Wengronowitz and Mike McKee finished together (3:15), Dan Cox (3:16), Helen Klein and Lilian Shek together at 3:43, with Judy Shipman, Ron Adams and Glenn Millar also solid finishers at this smarter distance.

Congratulations to all and apologies for any missed.

Buffalo Chips Weekly Workout Update

REFLECTIVE Upper Body Apparell REQUIRED in all evening club workouts!!!

NOTE: We need somebody to help us with 'drills' sessions. Volunteers?

Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. from 251 Commerce Circle
Why - Form & Speed
A-D...6(1200), 800
E-F....4(1200), 2(800)
G-H...3(1200), 2(800)
SS & FW..steady

Thursday, 5:30 p.m. from University Park
Why - Base & devlopement
Base building 3-7 miles on parkway

Saturday, 8:00 a.m. from University Park
Why - Base or form
5-8 miles with tempo option

Sunday, 8:00 a.m. from Fish Hatchery, Hazel (Off Highway 50)
Why - Endurance & self-control on rolling hills
Any distance up to about 20 miles or more is an option. Easy out and faster back.

Upcoming Races - From Chips Website

November 13, 2005 - 40th Clarksburg Country Run 20M/30K/Half-Marathon/5K/1M Kids (Clarksburg) PA/USATF Road Race
November 19, 2005 - Davis Turkey Trot 5K/10K (Davis)
November 24, 2005 - Run to Feed the Hungry 5K/10K (Sacramento)
November 27, 2005 - Run to the Far Side XXI 5K/10K (San Francisco)
December 4, 2005 - California International Marathon (Sacramento)
December 11, 2005 - Christmas Relays (San Francisco) PA/USATF Road Race
December 31, 2005 - Midnight Run 2006 (Sacramento)
January 1, 2006 - Resolution Run 10M/10K/5K (Auburn)
February 4, 2006 - Jed Smith Ultra Classic 50M, 50K, 30K (Sacramento)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Buffalo Chips Weekly News Update

10th Annual John Lawson Tamalpa Challenge

A core group of cross country devotees made their way across the bay to the penultimate race in this year’s series. The women were led by Gina Mandy, our most consistent harrier-ette on the trail, with a sizzling time of 28:59. Also running to complete a distaff team were Meghan Schwartz, Meg Svoboda, Carol Parise and Pam Goodley. Representing the Chips on the men’s side were Dennis Scott, Joel Contreras and Bob Venditti.

Mary Coordt Leads Chips at Four Bridges

Finishing 9th overall in 1:21, Mary Coordt led ALL the Herd at this year’s Four Bridges Half-Marathon. With almost 1400 individual finishers and another 49 teams, the race was held under near perfect conditions for racing.

Following closely and leading the male bison was Kal Lowden (1:22) then Erik Skaden (1:23). Dennis Early was 2nd in the 45-49( 1:25) division and Jen Pfiefer was first in her division at 1:26.

Arnold Utterback (1:35) led Ernie Takahashi (1:35) to the line, but it was Ernie with a 2nd in the 60-64 division that got the bragging rights, and John Nichols was right behind Ernie still in the 1:35 zone.

Other Chips quickly noted in the results: Dave Michel, Steve Polansky, James Yee, Chuck Honeycutt, Barbara Elia, Maggie Ward, Tony Alvarez, Gordon Hall, Fred Kaiser, Tom Kuzmich, Ron Hall, Jon Thomas, Cammy Thomas, Stuart Sargisson, and probably MANY others that my quick perusal missed. Congratulations to all finishers and apologies to those I missed.

Lost: A Chips Friend, 1957-2005

Phil Whitehead, Zimbabwe

Very sobering news arrived on Sunday morning as an e-mail from our host club and club director in Zimbabwe informed that PHIL WHITEHEAD, age 48 died (30 Oct.) at the 9km mark of a half-marathon he was running in outside of his home area of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Phil was the organizer of the CHIPS local social with his Bulawayo running club when we visited there in June of 2000 (?). He was an enthusiastic participant in the Comrades Marathon and had many sub 10 hour finishes to his credit. He leaves his wife Sandy and four kids ages 13-23. He will be greatly missed by his clubmates in Bulawayo, and by all of his contacts around the world as he was a conduit for current political news from this strife torn country.

He was an international figure in Rotary, and a corporate managing director of a concrete plant there in Bulawayo and also a director of the Dunlap tire production facility in Zimbabwe. He supported webpages for news, running details, and even the engineering graduates of his nation’s university. His was a life of service, and his passing will be missed in so many venues.

Coming Soon….Clarksburg Country Run, 30k/20 miler, PA-USATF Championship Event for Individuals/Teams

13 November, 2005

Who was Paul Reese?

This year’s Clarksburg event is identified as the “Paul Reese Memorial…”

Paul was the founding race director of the Clarksburg event and for it’s first 15 or so years it was a 20 miler. Originally called the “Pepsi 20,” this was the FIRST long road race in Northern California. It precedes ALL the northern California marathons. Paul personally supported the race through its formative years, and he also started the Lake Tahoe 72 Miler (an ultra-marathon around Lake Tahoe all on roads), and the Sunkist 2 day 100km event. More recently he had hosted and directed a marathon event run ON THE TRACK at American River College and then until his last years a 10k road event. Paul was a founding figure of the Buffalo Chips Running Club, and he was one of the best and toughest 50-59 age group runners to EVER tie on a pair of shoes. He ran in the 2:36 territory as a 55-56 year old, and he turned a low 13 hour 100 miler when he was in his 50’s. In his middle 60’s he organized a group run exploring the Western States 100 Mile course from Squaw Valley to Robinson Flat, and that was the beginning of many “real runners” signing up for “Western.”

In his retirement when he was 70-something, he and George Billingsley ran across the whole United States for a summer “fun run.”

He was a retired Marine Corps Colonel, and he then was a high level administrator with the Sacramento City School District until his second retirement. Paul passed away a couple of years ago, but his legacy of inspiration will never be forgotten.

Buffalo Chips Weekly Workout Update


NOTE: Parrott has 2-3 new reflectorized and led lighted safety vests, one size fits most at $17 each.

Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. from 251 Commerce Circle
Why - Turnover/form
A-D...3(1.5), 1
G-H...1.5, 1
SS & FW..steady

Thursday, 5:30 p.m. from University Park
Why - Base
Base building 3-7 miles on the streets of Univ. Park 5-10K course

Saturday, 8:00 a.m. from University Park
Why - Form, efficiency, base
Base Building 4-6 miles or tempo run of 4-5 miles

Sunday, 8:00 a.m. from Panera Breads 901 Howe Ave.
Why - Mental Toughness, form
Bike trail out and backof 75 min out, faster back.

Upcoming Races - From Chips Website

November 6, 2005 - Apple Hill Harvest 8.5M, 3.5M, Kids 1/2 (Camino)
November 13, 2005 - 40th Clarksburg Country Run 20M/30K/Half-Marathon/5K/1M Kids (Clarksburg) PA/USATF Road Race
November 19, 2005 - Davis Turkey Trot 5K/10K (Davis)
November 24, 2005 - Run to Feed the Hungry 5K/10K (Sacramento)
November 27, 2005 - Run to the Far Side XXI 5K/10K (San Francisco)
December 4, 2005 - California International Marathon (Sacramento)
December 11, 2005 - Christmas Relays (San Francisco) PA/USATF Road Race
December 31, 2005 - Midnight Run 2006 (Sacramento)
February 4, 2006 - Jed Smith Ultra Classic 50M, 50K, 30K (Sacramento)