With George out of the country (see prior post) I'll be filling in as your Training Director for the evening. This week's workout is:
- Groups A-C 6(400), 6(800)
- Groups D-E 6(400), 4(800)
- Groups F-H 6(400), 2(800)
Sacramento's oldest and largest running club, running strong since 1974
Posted by
John Blue
6/16/2008 09:45:00 PM
Report from Germany...
Chris Iwahashi won every stage for the 50 to 54 females and was 4th or 5th overall female at the end of the overall scoring.
George Parrott (from Berlin)
Posted by
John Blue
6/16/2008 09:43:00 PM
July 4th Free Five Miler
Don't forget the epic free race of the year is coming to River Park this July 4th! Of course, to keep it free and wonderful we need your help. Race Director Ed Randolph is looking for volunteers. Set up begins at 6:00 and we're usually cleaned up by 10:00. That will leave you plenty of time for whatever festivities you have planned for the rest of the day. We need volunteers for set-up, break down, and course monitoring.
Email Ed at efr3@yahoo.com to confirm your participation.
More Racing News:
Ed runs races and he runs races! One June 1st, the very same Ed Randolph took on the River City 10K and was first overall finisher in 35:37.
This past weekend, Bisonettes took top honors at the Nike Women's Fitness Festival 5K! Kirsten Schneider was first Chip and first overall in 18:26. Jenny Hitchings took the top 40s spot and 5th overall in 19:13.
Great work Chips!
Posted by
John Blue
6/10/2008 11:43:00 PM
Live Webcast & TV Broadcast Information For This Weekend’s U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Women's Marathon
Fans can watch Sunday’s U.S. Olympic Team Trials-Women's Marathon via a live webcast and also a televised highlight show.
The live webcast will begin on Sunday at 8:00 a.m. ET on NBCSports.com/marathon. NBC Sports commentator Al Trautwig and 10-time NCAA All-American Ed Eyestone will provide commentary for the wire-to-wire coverage.
Additionally, MSNBC will broadcast a one-hour highlights show on Sunday, April 27 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. ET, with analysis by Trautwig and Eyestone. The one-hour show will be the first episode in a series highlighting a number of Olympic Trials events leading up to the Beijing Olympic Games in August.
The Olympic Trials online and TV broadcasts are a joint production of USA Track & Field, the USOC, Boston Athletic Association, and NBC Sports.
For a list of entries visit http://www.usatf.org/events/2008/OlympicTrials-Marathon-Women/
Mary Coordt, Jen Pfeifer and Midori Sperandeo will be competing... the event is Sunday and television info is provided...
Posted by
4/18/2008 06:17:00 PM
Labels: race calendar
The 35th running of the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run is fast approaching and I am recruiting volunteers to work at the Devil's Thumb aid station on Saturday June 28th. Devil’s Thumb is accessible by car and is located approximately 20 miles past
Denis Zilaff
875-3178 (work)
Posted by
John Blue
4/16/2008 08:32:00 PM
Labels: volunteering
There were Chips a plenty at this past weekend's AR 50. Conditions were perfect and they turned out some impressive times and earned a wagon-load of PRs. First Chip and 2nd overall was Erik Skaden running 5:57 (PR) followed next by Mark Lantz earning 2nd Masters in 6:24. First female Chip appears to be Jamie Frink in 8:22 (PR), followed by Rena Schumann in 8:41.
Other finishers were Mark Murray (6:44 PR), Ed Randolph (6:53 PR), John Blue (7:18 PR), Andrew Schooley (7:25), Ray Sanchez (7:50), Grant Carboni (8:29), John Nichols (8:30), Amy Grafius (8:46), Ernest Takahashi (8:50), Barbara Ashe (9:37), Linda McFadden (9:49), Jose Rodarte (10:11 PR), Tony Lafferty (10:29), Barbara Elia (10:43), Jim Pfost (10:44), Herb Tanimoto (11:19), Becky Johnson Sabin (11:33), Ron Peck (11:51), Diane Vlach (12:13), Eric Ianacone (12:23), and the durable Gloria Takagishi in (12:41)
Nutrition Fuels 5 & 10K
I was remiss last week in not noting Mary Coordt's 1st female finish at the Nutrition Fuels 10K in 37:42. Other notable results were Barbara Miller and Doug Braasch driving up from Modesto to put their usual hurt on the local Super Seniors. Barbara was age group 1st in 48:43, and Doug was 3rd in 47:49.
In the 5K, Po Adams turned in an age group first in 41:16.
Great running, Chippers!
Posted by
John Blue
4/10/2008 08:30:00 PM
Labels: Flying Chips
We're always in need of volunteers, but we have an acute need for a couple of folks to step into some pretty important jobs.
1. Enquirer Editor--It was great while it lasted, but Vicky Boyd can no longer continue in this capacity. If you're interested in taking charge of this important Chips publication, let me know. I'm sure Vicky can help you transition into the job.
2. Buffalo Stampede Co-Race Director--This signature race is currently in need of a co-director. Veteran Race Director Jennifer Rousseve has graciously volunteered but only on the condition we find her a partner in this effort! Please let me know if you can help. It's not rocket science, but it will be a fair amount of work. You will have my undying gratitude.
3. Track Meet Volunteers--This Saturday (3/29), Sac State is hosting a championship meet and can use help for any amount of time you have to offer. In the words of coach Scott Abbott: "The meet will run from about 12-5PM...we can use people for any amount of time they can work. It should be a fun meet (Oregon, Cal, Washington State, Kansas State, Wichita State, Long Beach State)." Again, let me know if you can volunteer and I'll hook you up.
Drop me a line at buffaloblue@sbcglobal.net . Thanks!
Posted by
John Blue
3/24/2008 09:37:00 PM
Location: Legal Seafood Restaurant, Copley Place 2nd Floor
6:00 PM Monday April 21st
Reservations have been made. If you need to confirm email: monty_schacht@sbcglobal.net or Phone (707) 372-7781. Restaurant number is (617) 266-7775
Posted by
3/17/2008 10:27:00 AM
Labels: Social
Hey Chips!
The new warm-ups and running apparel has arrived, and they look GREAT! If
you placed an order or you want to make a purchase, please come to Tuesday
Night workout on March 25th!
If you can't make the pick-up/purchase date on March 25. There will be
other opportunities.
In order to support the BCRC team, we encourage all members to wear the
uniform during a race (and black shorts).
Warm-up Jacket (unisex XS-XL) $34.00
Warm-up Pants (unisex XS-L. They run big) - $20.00
Women¹s Shimmel (S-L. Run small)) - $23.00
Men¹s Sleeveless Crews (S-XL) - $15.00
Men¹s Singlet (S-XL) - $15.00
Women¹s Singlet (S-L) - $15.00
White Short Sleeve Tech Tee (unisex XS-XL) - $11.00
Black Long Sleeve Tech Tee- (unisex SX-XL) - $12.00
Questions? Ask Jen, runnerjen@sbcglobal.net
Go Chips!
Posted by
3/16/2008 11:27:00 AM
Labels: News
Boston Bound Chips!
We are allowed to enter teams at the Boston Marathon for no extra charge. Categories are for Open Men and Open Women (39 & younger) and for Master Men and Master Women (40 & older). Ages are as of race date, April 21, 2008.
We need to enter our teams as of April 4.
Please email me: Cynci
Below are the "rules."
Posted by
3/16/2008 11:24:00 AM
Labels: race calendar
It was a beautiful Saturday in Cool and the Chips came out in droves to run in the Way Too Cool 50K. Trail conditions and weather were superb for fast times and a world class field did not disappoint. At the end of the day, there were 28 runners finishing under 4-hours! A typical year might see ten.
Continuing with his "top Chip" streak was Ed Randalph, running a blazing 3:52 in his trail 50K debut. Erik Skaden was next in a solid 4:00. Mark Murray and John Blue each turned in course personal bests at 4:05 and 4:17 respectively. A quick scan of the results shows: Andrew Schooley (4:30), John Nichols (5:06), Ernest Takahashi (5:24), Jamie Frink (5:36), Miles Burnett (5:54), Jose Rodarte (6:12), Dennis Zilaff (6:32), Diane Vlach (6:57), Herb Tanimoto (6:58), Becky Johnson-Sabin (7:13) and Gloria Takagishi (8:13).
I know there were some other Chips out there I missed here. I apologize if that was you.
Be sure your membership is up to date! It keeps the club afloat and helps us find you in the race results. It also qualifies you for the Run Sac Racing Series. (I send a roster before each race in the series.)
Posted by
John Blue
3/09/2008 09:09:00 PM
The Substance Abuse Steering Coalition in Yuba City is sponsoring their 3rd annual Run Drugs Out of Town 5K on April 26th at 9 a.m. More info is on the Runners Schedule.
They would love for some of the Chips to come up and join them !
Posted by
John Blue
3/09/2008 09:04:00 PM
As far as I can tell, there were about 10 races this past weekend and the Chips had excellent results at all of them. Here are a couple of highlights:
Posted by
John Blue
3/06/2008 09:37:00 PM
Dear Chips,
I have attached pictures of the new official Chips warm-ups and technical tees. All clothing will be in black EXCEPT the short sleeve tech shirt. This will be WHITE.
All clothing is unisex (XS-XL). The warm up pants run big. I recommend women sixes 0-4 get the XS in everything (unless you have a large chest and big biceps!!)
The warm-up jacket will have our signature BCRC logo in the corner and "Buffalo Chips Running Club" written on the back. - $25.00
Warm up pants will have no logo on them - $20.00 (Again, these run BIG..a 5'11" man with a 32-33 waist, is a Med.)
The LS tech tee will be rather plain - just the BCRC signature logo in the corner of the shirt. - $10.00
The SS WHITE tech tee will have "Chips Racing" on the front like our uniform tanks and shimmels. - $10.00
There is no easy way to get everyone's order, so I am going to ask for sizes and do a big pre-order of everything. If you could please e-mail me at, Runnerjen@sbcglobal.net with the apparel you want and your size, I can get this order started and have the Chips outfitted and looking suave by early spring.
Thanks for getting back to me within the week,
Jenny Hitchings
PS - Let me know if you need the racing shimmel or tank. I also have some white BCRC tanks and shorts from years past ($5.00!)
Posted by
2/09/2008 10:42:00 PM
Labels: News
On Saturday, March 22nd, we will have our 3rd annual Resurrection Run/walk. There will be a free 1/2 mile run for kids at 8:30 and a 5K run at 9:00.
The fee is $20 by March 8th and $25 afterwards.
It will take place at Glen Hall Park, at the north end of Carlson Drive, in River Park.
Trophies for fastest man and fastest woman. Medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in age categories (12 and under is a new category and the rest are in 10 year increments). There will be a new award for the team who has the most members to run (not be fastest, but just have the most).
There will be an Easter egg hunt for kids and an Easter bunny. There will also be a raffle for entrants afterwards.
For more info, go to www.kfitness.org or call 457-4726 to talk to Steve or Sherri.
This is being put on by Koinonia Sports & Fitness to aid in the establishment and running of an orphanage for Uganda kids who became orphans by their parents dying of AIDS.
Steve Holmes
Posted by
1/29/2008 09:01:00 PM
Labels: race calendar
This is just a reminder to mark your calendars for next Saturday, January 12th! We'll be holding the Buffalo Chips annual Prediction Run 5K, Brunch Pot Luck, and board member elections at the University Park Club House. Coffee and check in starts at 7:30 and we'll run at 8:00. Elections are 9-ish.
Bring your favorite breakfast or brunch item to share.!
Directions to the Club House: Take Highway 50 to Howe Avenue North. Cross the river and turn right into the business park across from Swarthmore. Proceed to the north end of the parking lot (to your left as you enter the lot). Park and walk to the gate at the north end of the parking lot. The clubhouse is just through the gate. Here's a map.
If you are interested in serving on the Board, please let me know soon so we can add you to the ballot.
See you then!
Posted by
John Blue
1/04/2008 08:56:00 PM