Thank you to all the Chips who responded to the Girls on the Run request for buddies. We had an awesome No Excuses race! If you served as a buddy, we'll keep you on our contact list. If you'd like more information about the program, please contact Stephanie at 916-443-4736.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Weekly News Update
This past weekend’s experience on the Western States 100 trail had all the makings of a full preparation for next month’s actual race, for the 100 or so trainees found fresh snow at Devil’s Thumb, and more than 3 inches of new white stuff came down on Saturday around Lake Tahoe.
No immediate reports from the actual local participants are currently available, but clearly they did not have to worry about temperatures too high, through creeks too high might be another matter.
Sorry no reports received by “press time.”
Wow, we get to sit in on the best collegiate athletes in the country once again with full event reserved seats only $70 for the whole meet !!!! Get your ticket request in if you have not already ordered, for the performances last year by the collegians were better in all the distance events than those recorded for our OLY Trials earlier. This is THE finale for our collegians, and they are coming here to perform. Let’s support the event and the athletes who have trained so hard to make this championship level.
For more information, call 566-6560 or log on to
Posted by
5/29/2006 09:20:00 PM
Weekly Workout Update
Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. from 251 Commerce Circle…
A-D…6(1000 @ 5 minutes), 1 Mile together with all participants
E-F…4(1000@ 6:30 minutes), 1 mile together with all participants
G-H…4(1000@ 7 minutes), 1 mile together with all participants
SS & FW….steady, of course.
This workout is designed to be both a serious speed building session with the controlled time 1000m repeats, but with ALL participants together “at the line” for the last mile, it is also a chance for a highly “motivated” potential MILE PERSONAL BEST.
Thursday, 5:30 p.m. from University Park on University Ave.
Generally a steady state and base building session of 4-8 miles along parkway.
Saturday, 7:30 a.m. - EARLIER START time for "Summer", from University Park on University Ave.
CLUB FUN RUN….Summer TWICE A MONTH 5k-10k open option fun runs on the UNIVERSITY PARK course. This course is accurately measured, and it gives us a chance to assess our training and fitness with a standard distance (e.g. 5k) at a most reasonable price (FREE). Come one, come all. Bring a friend even!
Sunday, 7:30 a.m. - EARLIER START time for "Summer", from Fish Hatchery (Hazel & Hiway 50)
Gentle rolling hills for a choice of distances from out and back 4-5 miles to 12-18 miles.
NOTE: Remember that Linda Hall has Jelly Belly “Energy Bean Samples.” You MUST be willing to e-mail her a review of this new product, but those of us who have tried it find it every bit as good as “GU,” and much easier to carry and get down.
Posted by
5/29/2006 09:15:00 PM
Upcomming Races from Chips Website
May 29, 2006 - No Excuses 5K (Sacramento)
May 29, 2006 - Marin Memorial Day 10K (Marin)
June 24-25, 2006 - 33rd Annual Western States 100M (Squaw Valley to Auburn)
June 24, 2006 - Shriners 8K (Sacramento)
July 7-8, 2006 - Reno Odyssey Relay Run Adventure (Reno)
August 5, 2006 - 24th Annual Round Valley Run/Walk 5.3m (Greenville, CA)
August 12, 2006 - Susan B Anthony Women's 5K (Sacramento)
September 10, 2006 - Buffalo Stampede 10 Miler (Sacramento)
Posted by
5/29/2006 09:10:00 PM
WANTED: Volunteer Coordinator
We are sad to announce that Shanna Fanning is no longer able to fill this position. Her hard work and dedication will be missed, but we will appreciate any help we can get in this area. If interested, please contact Dunger John Blue at or Scribe Nancy Mitchum at
The Board
Posted by
5/29/2006 09:05:00 PM
Girls on the Run - Buddies
Hi Harry:
I am on the board of the Girls on the Run, a nonprofit organization that coordinates track programs in local schools. The girls in grades 3-6 receive curriculum on self-esteem and decision making and also train for a 5K race. The race they are running this spring is the No Excuses 5k, Monday May 29th in Land Park. We are in need of female running buddies - all you have to do is show up (~7:30am) and we'll match you with a little girl between the ages of 8 and 12. You run the race with her, offering encouragement and support.
It is such an amazing experience to be a part of this event. Some of the girls are a bit timid - it is their first race and the crowd can be a little overwhelming. This is where Chips come in - with their running experience, they can help someone special complete their 1st race EVER!
Would it be possible to PLEAD with Chips members to serve as buddies!? And do this pleading in a post ? The race is in 6 days and we need more buddies. Volunteers can contact me at 916-443-4736.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Stephanie Papas
Posted by
5/29/2006 08:55:00 PM
New Item in the Chips Exchange
5/29/06 - Nordic Track Trainer - FREE!!!
Yes, that's right...a Nordic Track Trainer for FREE to anyone who wants its!! In EXCELLENT shape (a little bit of dust and cobwebs, but otherwise in EXCELLENT condition!!). FREE to a good home!!!
Contact Cheri Alvarez @ if you are interested.
Posted by
5/29/2006 08:50:00 PM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Suasn B Anthony Women's 5k
The Suasn B Anthony Women's 5k and Elizabeth Cady Stanton Kid's 1/2 miler is 3 months away. This year, the event is the PA Women's 5k Championship offering more than $2500 in prize money. In addition, we've lined up a lightweight women's tech tank top, chocolate, and a nylon goodie bag filled with some pretty awesome stuff. We are planning for 700 runners and in order to reach that goal, we need your help! We need people who are going to races to put brochures on cars or sit at tables and sign up runners. We also need people to drop off brochures at health clubs and running stores.
If you are planning to go to one of these races or if you a frequent the one of the health clubs or running stores listed below, please contact Carol Parise I will make arrangements to get you brochures.
Date | Race | Table or Paper Cars |
Saturday, June 17 Capitol | Fleet Feet Women’s 5K - | Table for Sign-ups |
Saturday, June 24 Med Center, Sacramento | Shriners 8K | Paper Cars |
Tuesday, July 4 Roseville | Roseville 4th July - | Paper Cars |
Tuesday, July 4 Elk Grove | Elk Grove Run 4 Independence | Paper Cars |
Tuesday, July 4 Sacramento | River Park 4th of July 5-miler - | Table for Sign-ups |
Sunday, July 30 Courtland | Courtland Pear 10 & 5 mile - | Paper Cars |
Saturday, August 5 Elk Grove | The Elk Grove Fun Runs 5K - | Paper Cars |
24 Hour Fitness |
Capital Athletic Club |
California Family Fitness |
Curves |
Fleet Feet Fair Oaks and Roseville |
Running Zone Elk Grove |
Pipeworks Gym |
Fit 65 |
Posted by
5/24/2006 06:16:00 PM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Weekly News Update
From Linda Hall….Re Marin 10K on 29 May
The next USATF grand prix series race will be the Marin 10K on Monday May 29. It would really be great if we could get some teams together. I will be driving down from Davis. Please let me know if you will be going. Also let me know if you are interested in carpooling. The shirt from this race is always interesting....probably a singlet/muscle shirt this year. Also there are a couple of good places close to the finish (on a track) for brunch.
I will not be running this one very fast because I am doing the San Diego Rock and Roll marathon the next Sunday. Just doing it to (hopefully) get some complete teams.
Hope to see you at the race.
Linda M. Hall, PhD
Graduating this past weekend from CSUS with a Master’s in Social Work was our own Lindsay Pears-Dickson.
Wow and Congratulations! And in early June she will debut at the ….marathon !
Additional congratulations to Ms. Allyson Thomas for her finish at Silver State 50k this past weekend.
Folsom Run For Nature this past weekend, but results were not to be found at “presstime.”
Hicham El Gerrouj has announced his retirement. The owner of 8 of the fastest 1500m times ever and now Olympic 1500 and 5000 meter champion will compete no more. The field is now open for another generation of successors, but who will make that claim?
South Africa…Another top South African runner has tested positive for EPO like drug indicators. This is the fourth top SA runner this year to face a career stopping ban. Apparently ALL these athletes have been training in one general “camp” and the drugs appear to have all originated from a single pharmacy….YIKES !!!!
Craig Mottram, Australia, successfully defended his string of 10k victories again in NY state where earlier he also won the “Fifth Avenue Mile.”
BUPA 10k in Manchester England saw 32 men break 30 minutes this past weekend with perhaps the deepest quality field EVER in a road race.
IF you walk in a marathon are you no longer a “runner” in that event?
Motivationally I would opine that one should TRY to run every step of any race, but I have a news tape coverage of the 1964 Summer Olympics and in that marathon...many of the best marathon racers in the world….WALKED some of the course. Anyone wanting to borrow this tape for it’s inspiration….see me. It also has actual color coverage of Billy Mills in his Gold Medal 10k there.
Posted by
5/23/2006 09:25:00 AM
Weekly Workout Update
Tuesday, 23 May, 5:30 p.m. from 251 Commerce Circle…
A-D…6(1000), 3(600)
E-F….4(1000), 3(600)
G-H….3(1000), 2(600)
SS & FW….steady, of course
Thursday, 25 May, 5:30 p.m. from University Park on University Ave.
Steady state run of 4-8 miles on parkway.
Saturday, 27 May, 7:30 a.m. - EARLIER START time for "Summer", from University Park on University Ave.
Options of 3-4 mile tempo run on parkway OR steady state run on parkway.
Sunday, 28 May 7:30 a.m. - EARLIER START time for "Summer", from Panera Bread, 901 Howe Ave
For 2.5 hour core endurance run on Parkway.
NOTE: Remember that Linda Hall has Jelly Belly “Energy Bean Samples.” You MUST be willing to e-mail her a review of this new product, but those of us who have tried it find it every bit as good as “GU,” and much easier to carry and get down.
Posted by
5/23/2006 09:20:00 AM
Upcoming Races from Chips Website
May 29, 2006 - No Excuses 5K (Sacramento)
May 29, 2006 - Marin Memorial Day 10K (Marin)
June 24-25, 2006 - 33rd Annual Western States 100M (Squaw Valley to Auburn)
June 24, 2006 - Shriners 8K (Sacramento)
July 7-8, 2006 - Reno Odyssey Relay Run Adventure (Reno)
August 12, 2006 - Susan B Anthony Women's 5K (Sacramento)
September 10, 2006 - Buffalo Stampede 10 Miler (Sacramento)
Posted by
5/23/2006 09:15:00 AM
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Photos, Stories & Advertisements for the Buffalo Enquire
The editors of the Buffalo Enquirer are looking for stories, photos and/or advertisements (from you or people you know) for the summer edition of the Enquirer (the spring issue should be out by the end of May). Share your running experiences with the rest of the club with through your submissions of photos and stories! Deadline: June 15.
Susanne Tam Cook
Posted by
5/21/2006 10:11:00 PM
Monday, May 15, 2006
Buffalo Chips Weekly News Update
Saturday, 13 May-Sacramento’s 10th annual RFTC broke new ground for Sacramento area fitness and for Sacramento area “compassion.” With a goal of raising $1,000,000, this year’s Sacramento RFTC exceeded that demanding goal by over $200,000!
On the “running side,” our legions of bison were led inspirationally by our own bevy of survivors including…
Chris Iwahashi, 3rd overall “survivor” and first in the 50+ divisions
Lilian Shek, 2nd in 55-59 survivor division
Florence Fong, 2nd in 65-69 survivor division
And MANY others of our most inspired female bison, I am sure!
In the typical divisions, impressive times were recorded by…
Plc name age time pace/mi
35 Nathan Paddeck 13 Lincoln 19:01 6:07
16 Edward F. Randolph 36 Sacramento 17:41 5:41
26 Mark Murray 43 Sacramento 18:30 5:57
37 Chuck Nichols 56 Elk Grove 19:15 6:11
145 Gary Lotspeich 57 Sacramento 22:22 7:11
87 E Takahashi 61 Sacramento 21:01 6:45
395 Cliff Stapp 64 Folsom 25:38 8:14
273 Irv Faria 74 Carmichael 24:17 7:48
552 Roger Fong 72 Sacramento 27:02 8:41
57 Merie Paddeck 17 Lincoln 20:13 6:30
133 Holly Harmin 42 Rocklin 22:09 7:07
138 Carole Parise 40 22:12 7:08
415 Maggie Ward 59 25:46 8:17
Thanks to ALL participants for making this part of all women’s improving “quality of life” experiences.
As reported by Cheri Alvarez
Luis and I have worked the first aid station at this event for several years now, with the direction of Steve Wetmore and various other folks from BCRC (Becky Johnson & Allyson Thomas). One of the things I can say is that it is truly amazing to see the wall of people (and trust me when you see the start of the second wave of the 20,000 runners come at you at the aid is a WALL of people), it really is amazing. Knowing how many people are involved in finding a cure or how many people that have been touched by really brings things into perspective. Life is too short. Yes it is a race, but its not a foot race...its a Race for Life. This event makes me proud to be from Sacramento, and makes me proud to be a small part of the running community who really care. Thank you Buffalo Chips for being out there and thank you Sacramento!!
From John Blue
There were certainly a lot of chips at the Race for the Cure Saturday, and I’m not up to speed enough to report on all, but I did want to highlight a notable performance by Ed Randolph, the first Chip overall, who had a ‘breakthrough’ race in what has been a breakthrough year, dropping his PR in the 5K by nearly 30 seconds, and finishing 15th overall. Ed moved into the ranks of ‘top Chips’ with his 2:55 at the CIM in December. (Mark Murray)
Rena Schumann (1st woman) and Mark Lantz (3rd overall) were the first Chips in for this hilly 50 miler. The race directors report the lowest finishing percentage EVER for the 50 mile race. This reporter (John Blue) can vouch for the damage heat can do as he came in an hour later than he was expecting--looking in vain for the First Aid tent and settling instead for a nap under the old oak tree. Ally Condon appears to be the first Chip in for the 50K, and 2nd for her age group. Barbara Ashe won the senior division in the 50K with Linda McFadden hot on her heels. If I missed anyone, WEAR CHIPS GEAR and you'll be easier to pick out of the crowd. (John Blue)
Posted by
John Blue
5/15/2006 09:20:00 PM
Buffalo Chips Weekly Workout Update
Tuesday, 16 May, 5:30 p.m. from 251 Commerce Circle…
Groups: A-B…2(1), 3(800), 4(400)
C-F….2(1), 2(800), 2(400)
G-H….1, (2(800), 2(400)
SS & FW….steady, of course
Thursday, 18 May, 5:30 p.m. from Univ. Park on Univ. Ave.
Base building run of 4-8 miles on parkway.
Saturday, 20 May, 8 a.m. UNIVERSITY PARK 5k FUN RUN…Free RACE for Club Members.
Summer program of 2X/month FREE “time trials” or FUN RUNS on highly accurate University Park 5k Course. Come ONE, Come ALL, and sharpen your racing development for later “peaking events.”
Sunday, 21 May 8 a.m., from Fish Hatchery, Hazel and Hiway 50…
Rolling gentle hills of distances up to 20+ miles.
NOTE: Remember that Linda Hall has Jelly Belly “Energy Bean Samples.” You MUST be willing to e-mail her a review of this new product, but those of us who have tried it find it every bit as good as “GU,” and much easier to carry and get down. These “samples” are FREE, and we will have them for the SATURDAY FUN RUN participants !
Posted by
5/15/2006 09:15:00 PM
Buffalo Chips Upcomming Races - From Chips Website
May 20, 2006 - 23rd Annual Run with Nature 10K/5K (Folsom)
May 20, 2006 - Auburn Rotary Community Day 10K/5K/Kids (Auburn)
May 20, 2006 - Auburn International Triathlon (Auburn)
May 21, 2006 - 15th Annual San Carlos Rotary Run 5K/10K (San Carlos)
May 29, 2006 - No Excuses 5K (Sacramento)
May 29, 2006 - Marin Memorial Day 10K (Marin)
June 24-25, 2006 - 33rd Annual Western States 100M (Squaw Valley to Auburn)
June 24, 2006 - Shriners 8K (Sacramento)
July 7-8, 2006 - Reno Odyssey Relay Run Adventure (Reno)
August 12, 2006 - Susan B Anthony Women's 5K (Sacramento)
September 10, 2006 - Buffalo Stampede 10 Miler (Sacramento)
Posted by
5/15/2006 09:10:00 PM
Safety Report
Four vehicle burglaries were reported this morning (5/02). One occurred at the Hazel Access parking lot downstream of the Fish Hatchery and the other three occurred at the CSUS Aquatic Center parking lot. A black SUV, possibly a Ford Expedition, with a license plate close to 4BDL092 was seen when the victim’s vehicle was being parked at the Hazel Access and one of the victims at the Aquatic Center also saw a similar vehicle. The sighting of the suspect vehicle at Hazel was made at 6:45 am. Individual vehicle burglaries have occurred at the Sacramento Bar Access, in the county park area and also at the parking lot at Bannister Park (Fair Oaks Park District), over the past two weeks. We are also aware of other burglaries throughout the Sacramento Region. It is highly recommended that you leave nothing in plain sight when you park your vehicle in any Sacramento area since these "smash and grabs" seem to happen everywhere. Also, please be aware of your surroundings and "suspicious" people/vehicles that may be cruising an area. Pass the word . . .
Kevin Cimini
River City Rebels Running Club
Posted by
5/15/2006 09:05:00 PM
Monday, May 08, 2006
Buffalo Chips Weekly News Update
Come one, Come All….
This is THE program that all of us can and should get “behind.” The statistics are still overwhelming: 1 in 8 women will experience breast cancer before they turn 40 years of age. We all have friends and loved ones who have battled this disease and we have lost others close to us who did not “win” their proud fight against this killer.
The Susan B. Komen foundation has become the biggest source of funding for research, education, and treatment programs for this disease in the world. We can ALL support this program with our small entry fee contribution, and our presence in the crowd on Saturday morning.
IF you need to get a bigger, longer, or “better quality” workout effort in for your own personal training agenda, you can simply park near Panera or even University Park and then run over to Cal Expo for the “event.” Run the 5k, or even “race” it and then do your long cool-down back to your car.
Show the “survivors” that you care, and that you support them and “the cause” with your participation. This program is giving young woman hope and the medical research community the funds to actually become “proactive” with this most serious disease.
Did you see the ONL Boston Marathon coverage? We finally reviewed our TIVO’d recording and it was easy to spot our own Mary Coordt in the “elite starting field,” as she was the one in the long t-shirt conservatively starting near the back of that special field.
And then in the closing segment as the race clock approached 2:55 who is coming down Boyleston? Our own Mary Coordt is almost the featured finisher in the closing scenes. She is the one in the yellow top running VERY strongly and over the last few strides….waving to her “fans” in the crowd !!!!
8 - )
Posted by
5/08/2006 10:15:00 AM
Buffalo Chips Weekly Workout Update
Tuesday, 9 May, 5:30 p.m. from 251 Commerce Circle…
Groups: A-B…2(1), 3(800), 4(400)
C-F….2(1), 2(800), 2(400)
G-H….1, (2(800), 2(400)
SS & FW….steady, of course
Drink regularly and keep your electrolyte levels up with a sports drink before and after afternoon or early evening workouts.
Thursday, 11 May, 5:30 p.m. from Univ. Park on Univ. Ave.
Steady State base-building run of 4-8 miles OR….mini-hill session of “levee repeats”.
Saturday, 13 May, 8 a.m. Race for the Cure, Cal Expo
Sunday, 14 May 8 a.m., Rescue
6-18 miles of rolling hills and creative pavement.
General Training Observation: We have had NO TIME to adapt to these warmer temperatures, so be patient with your body as your savor your daily workouts at 80+ degrees Fahrenheit. Wear lighter colored clothes, wear a hat or visor…and remember your sunscreen. Carry a water bottle when you are running your individual/solo runs.
Run Safe and Run SMART…
Posted by
5/08/2006 10:10:00 AM
Buffalo Chips - Upcoming Races from Chips Website
May 13, 2006 - Race for the Cure 5K (Sacramento)
May 14, 2006 - Reno 5K/10K (Reno)
May 20, 2006 - 23rd Annual Run with Nature 10K/5K (Folsom)
May 20, 2006 - Auburn Rotary Community Day 10K/5K/Kids (Auburn)
May 20, 2006 - Auburn International Triathlon (Auburn)
May 21, 2006 - 15th Annual San Carlos Rotary Run 5K/10K (San Carlos)
May 29, 2006 - No Excuses 5K (Sacramento)
May 29, 2006 - Marin Memorial Day 10K (Marin)
June 24-25, 2006 - 33rd Annual Western States 100M (Squaw Valley to Auburn)
June 24, 2006 - Shriners 8K (Sacramento)
July 7-8, 2006 - Reno Odyssey Relay Run Adventure (Reno)
August 12, 2006 - Susan B Anthony Women's 5K (Sacramento)
September 10, 2006 - Buffalo Stampede 10 Miler (Sacramento)
Posted by
5/08/2006 10:05:00 AM
Monday, May 01, 2006
Buffalo Chips Weekly News Update
Overtaking a struggling early leader at about 24 miles, CHIP Mary Coordt knew that she had to “work the last couple of miles” as she was now the women’s race leader. Crossing the finish line as the only woman under three hours, Mary WON the 2006 Big Sur Women’s field as a mid-30 year old. That second place woman took “first place in the master’s women’s division and the third place woman was the first place finisher in the women’s 50 division. Wow ! Strong women, running quite well (Mary 2:59, Tammy Slusser 3:01, Christine Kennedy 3:05).
Also finishing quite close to her expected performance was CHIP NEWSLETTER CO-EDITOR, Sara Heintz. Congratulations to all finishers of this wonderful, but very challenging marathon course.
At Stanford ….from David Monti, Race Results Weekly…
Alan Webb made a strong 10,000m debut here tonight, just nipping Dathan Ritzenhein in the final sprint to finish in 27:34.72, to 27:35.65. In doing so, Webb became the 8th-fastest American of all-time over the distance, and Ritzenhein --who set a personal best time-- became the 9th-fastest surpassing Bruce Bickford and Bob Kennedy.
"I thought I could run with these guys," said Webb who was clearly pleased that he had won the race. "It's hard to know what would happen; it's such a long way."
Gabe Jennings and Michael Aish took the field through 1000m in 2:44.7 and 2000m in 5:28.1. Both Webb and Ritzenhein followed the pace, as did Matt Gonzales who would later fade. Jennings stepped off the track after 2400m, and Aish continued to set a strong pace. The New Zealander took the contenders through 3000m in 8:15.8 and took them to 4000m in 11:02.0 before retiring.
At that point, Webb and Ritzenhein began to share the lead as they had agreed before the race.
"We decided to switch every 800m," Ritzenhein explained after the race.
It was Webb who was on the front through 5-K in 13:48.1, but Ritz who led at 6-K in 16:34.9. The small but appreciative crowd at Stanford University was getting worked up with every lap as stadium announcer Scott Davis continued to call out the splits which showed they were well under 27:45 pace.
Just slightly behind the leading pair, Anthony Famiglietti was also making an excellent 10,000m debut. He was running alone about nine seconds back at half-way, but in the second half the Olympic steeplechaser began to eat into their lead.
The laps ticked by, Webb leading Ritzenhein, Ritzenhein leading Webb. Passing 8000m in 22:09.9 they were still on target, and Famiglietti had now closed the gap to only six seconds. Both athletes were beginning to fight both mental and physical fatigue.
"About 6-K, I was saying, 'Man, 10 more laps!'" Webb recalled thinking.
"I didn't know if I had it in me with a couple of laps to go," Ritzehein said.
It was Ritzenhein who took the bell and observers punched their stopwatches to see who would be fastest over the last lap. The pair rounded the final turn together, and Webb put the hammer down in the home straight. Ritzenhein relented, but Webb continued to sprint right through the finish line. His last lap was completed in just under 61 seconds.
"It's really cool," Webb said of his debut at the distance before heading off for his cool down run. His coach, Scott Raczko, told reporters that despite his athlete's success here tonight at the 25-lap distance, he was sticking to the mile this summer.
"This was always in the plan to run a 10-K," he said. "I don't know who the rumor got out there, but he's not planning to move up (to the 5000m)."
Ritzenhein was pleased that he had put his 2007 World Championships qualifying time in the bank (27:49.00) and when he races the 10,000m at Hengelo on May 28, he's free to try for an even faster time.
"I can take some risks," Ritzenhein said after explaining that he had dedicated tonight's race to a friend, Matthew Weber, who had died last Thursday of wounds he had suffered in a roadside attack while serving in Iraq last November. "He finally went on Thursday. I was thinking 'Matt, Matt, Matt' the whole way."
Famiglietti put in the fastest final lap, clocking 59.3 seconds to finish a solid third in 27:37.74. The New Yorker was elated.
Posted by
5/01/2006 11:20:00 AM
Buffalo Chips Weekly Workout Update
Tuesday, 2 May, 5:30 p.m. from 251 Commerce Circle…
Groups: A-D…6(400), 4(600), 4(1000)
E-F….6(400), 4(600), 2(1000)
G-H…6(400), 2(600), 1000
SS & FW….steady, of course
Remember to hydrate well before workout on these NOW warm days. Drink electrolyte fluids if possible from 3 p.m. to workout time. Try to consume 16-32 ounces of “sports drink” before workout and then REHYDRATE after workout with at least this volume of electrolyte balanced fluid.
Thursday, 4 May, 5:30 p.m. from Univ. Park on Univ. Ave.
Enjoy the wind-down from work with 4-7 miles along the parkway. Build your base and keep your running consistency going.
Saturday, 6 May, 8 a.m. from Univ. Park on Univ. Ave.
Options: Steady state base building run of 90 minutes or about 5-9 miles OR….speed/form session of TEMPO RUN of 4-5 miles after a warm-up of 3 miles or so…
Sunday, 7 May 8 a.m., NEW ADDITION to our Sunday Staging Venues: Bella Bru at Arden Way and Fair Oaks Blvd.
Coffee before ( 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.) and relaxed eating after your workout. Course options offer us the parkway section from mile mark 13.5 (at William Pond Park) UPRIVER to Sunrise (23.5) for a full 20 miler or any turnaround desired. From Bella Bru to the 13.5 mile mark on the parkway is about a half-mile, so add that to any mileage total on the parkway proper.
General Training Observation: We have had NO TIME to adapt to these warmer temperatures, so be patient with your body as your savor your daily workouts at 80+ degrees Fahrenheit. Wear lighter colored clothes, wear a hat or visor…and remember your sunscreen. Carry a water bottle when you are running your individual/solo runs.
Run Safe and Run SMART…
Posted by
5/01/2006 11:15:00 AM
Buffalo Chips - Upcoming Races from Chips Website
May 6, 2006 - The Elk Grove Fun Runs 5K (Elk Grove)
May 7, 2006 - Fair Oaks Fiesta Sun Run 5M/2M (Fair Oaks)
May 13, 2006 - Race for the Cure 5K (Sacramento)
May 14, 2006 - Reno 5K/10K (Reno)
May 20, 2006 - 23rd Annual Run with Nature 10K/5K (Folsom)
May 20, 2006 - Auburn Rotary Community Day 10K/5K/Kids (Auburn)
May 20, 2006 - Auburn International Triathlon (Auburn)
May 21, 2006 - 15th Annual San Carlos Rotary Run 5K/10K (San Carlos)
May 29, 2006 - No Excuses 5K (Sacramento)
May 29, 2006 - Marin Memorial Day 10K (Marin)
June 24-25, 2006 - 33rd Annual Western States 100M (Squaw Valley to Auburn)
June 24, 2006 - Shriners 8K (Sacramento)
August 12, 2006 - Susan B Anthony Women's 5K (Sacramento)
Posted by
5/01/2006 11:10:00 AM