I think I'm going to repeat this:
It's that time of year again! Although Day Light Savings Time doesn't start until November 1st, it's already getting dark enough that you need to start wearing some type of reflective gear or light for Tuesday Night's workout. We may have some to sell to you, but I'd recommend you pick something up ahead of time. Fleet Feet usually has something in stock.
Run Safe!
John Blue
Monday, October 22, 2007
Reminder: Reflective Apparel
Posted by
John Blue
10/22/2007 08:50:00 PM
Humboldt Half Marathon
Under absolutely flawless conditions (very cool and windless), the Humboldt Half Marathon produced very fast times in a well run, no-frills event. (Well, there was one guy playing bagpipes before the start.) The course is hillier than this runner expected, and there was one short, sharp climb right before the finish that caused me some trouble.
The top times for the men were a painfully fast 1:07 open and 1:11 for the masters! Top times for women were an open time of 1:20 and top masters time of 1:22—just one in front of Chipper Jenny Hitchings.
If you weren’t there, you should have been.
Posted by
John Blue
10/22/2007 08:46:00 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Fire up the TIVO!
Or VCR, if you are so inclined...
NOVA Presents Unprecedented Access to the
Following Marathon Challenge, KVIE presents A Race for the Soul, an original KVIE documentary that profiles the physical and mental challenges encountered by the participants of the Western States 100, a demanding ultra-marathon held in
For Marathon Challenge, NOVA gained unprecedented access to the 111th Boston Marathon course. Filmed in cooperation with the Boston Athletic Association and
Ranging in age from 22 to 60, the novice runners on Team NOVA include individuals with varying medical histories and backgrounds. Specialists and doctors at
Injuries and family ordeals arise, yet the team meets faithfully every Sunday as they support one another in the experience of both mind and body transformation while preparing for the epic race. On April 16, 2007, those who made it through training join 20,000 other runners to participate in the Boston Marathon, a journey that few on Team NOVA ever dreamed possible.
Related Links:
Learn more about KVIE’s “A Race for the Soul”
Learn more about NOVA Marathon Challenge
Posted by
John Blue
10/19/2007 09:24:00 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
CIM Volunteers Needed
The California International Marathon is fast approaching and the Chips would like to continue their support of this Sacramento tradition. The Chips will have a booth at the expo and I encourage you to spend a little time in it. (I'll send out request for volunteers as we get closer to the date.)
On race day (December 2nd), we'll be hosting an aid station. Keep an eye out for future notices about that, too.
Right now, they are looking for some folks to help out with the Expo. See Julie's note below.
It's that time of year again, and we are in need of volunteers to produce Sacramento's Premier Running Event...The 25th Anniversary of the California International Marathon and the 17th Annual California International Marathon Relay Challenge!
Volunteering is a great way to give back to the sport and by doing so help others to achieve their goals.
Below are the times, dates and shifts for the CIM Sports and Fitness Expo. Please e-mail me at: julie@fittorun.com if you can help. Feel free to forward this to anyone who may be interested. A volunteer confirmation will be sent in mid November.
The CIM Sports & Fitness Expo is located at the Sacramento Convention Center, 13th and J Street, and will be open Friday, November 30th from 3 P.M. - 7 P.M. and Saturday, December, 1st from 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. in Halls D and E.
Friday Shifts:
2:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.
5:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.
These shifts are for: Race Number Pick - up, T-shirt distribution, Relay event, Goody bag distribution, and Late registration.
Saturday Shifts:
8:30 A.M. - 12 Noon
11:30 A.M. - 2:30 P.M.
2:00 P.M - 5:30 P.M.
These shifts are for: Race Number Pick - up, T-shirt distribution, Relay event, Goody bag distribution, and Late registration.
Thanks for your continued help and support!
Julie Fingar
Expo, Relay, Outreach & Promotions Director
California International Marathon
(916) 765-6021
Posted by
John Blue
10/18/2007 09:52:00 PM
It's getting dark out there!
It's that time of year again! Although Day Light Savings Time doesn't start until November 1st, it's getting dark enough that you'll need to start wearing some type of reflective gear or light for Tuesday Night's workout. We may have some to sell to you, but I'd recommend you pick something up ahead of time. Fleet Feet usually has something in stock.
Run Safe!
Posted by
John Blue
10/18/2007 09:44:00 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Training Run Partner / Help
My name is Kenny Lima. I will be in Sacramento this weekend and would like to run the first 20 miles of the CIM course but I have a logistics issue .... transportation!
I can park at the start or end but have no way of getting back.
So, I write to ask, is there anyone who would like to join me on this training run? I hope to run the first 12 miles between 8:30 - 8:15 per mile and the last 8 miles at about 7:30s per mile.
If schedule or time does not permit perhaps I can get someone to meet at 20 mile mark, where I'll park and they can drive me to the start. I'll pay for gas and coffee!!!!
I can be reached via cell phone: 916-716-0942 or of course via this email address kayel17@verizon.net.
Thank You for your time!!
Kenny Lima
Former Chip!
Posted by
10/16/2007 09:47:00 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
Endurance Expo 2007 - Oct. 20 in Auburn!
The Auburn Endurance Capital Committee invites you join us in celebration of the many Auburn events of 2007, at the Endurance Expo. With vendors and athletes from the cycling, running, horseback riding, skiing and paddling community, we’ll have something for everyone!
Date: Saturday, October 20, 2007
Time: 2 pm to 8 pm
Location: indoors - at the Gold Country Fairgrounds, in the Armory Building in Auburn, CA - Endurance Capital of the World!
For more information visit: http://www.AuburnEnduranceCapital.com
- Meet the Champions
- Free posters & poster signing
- A Rockin' Multi-media show
- Vendors, Exhibits, Samples
- Clinics and speakers
- Free climbing wall
- Delicious food
- Endurance Sports Bar
- Raffle and Silent Auction (with "Train with a Champion" packages)
- Complimentary Valet bicycle parking
- Fun Run
- Fun road and mountain bike rides
Posted by
10/12/2007 01:39:00 PM
Labels: News
Monday, October 08, 2007
Awards Committee & Annual Awards categories
Message #1:
We would like you to come forth to be on the Awards Committee. For those of you who are power-hungry, possess a seething desire to affect the self-esteem of friends and foe, and/or been fired, demoted, or reprimanded due to inappropriate displays of a warped sense of humor, then the Awards Committee is right for you! To be part of this elite cadre of the finest Chips, contact Gina Adams at Sparkle71710@yahoo.com.
Message #2:
In search of new Annual Awards categories. Some that have been offered include: "Biggest Cherry-Picker" and "Most likely to stray off course." Don't hold back. All suggestions, no matter how unconventional, will be considered. They don't even have to be running related. Send all suggestions to Gina Adams at Sparkle71710@yahoo.com.
Message #3:
Actively soliciting stories, embarrassing moments, quirky personality traits, or anything humorously shameful or joyful about yourself and/or fellow Chips. These will be held in the highest confidence by the Awards Committee (note the integrity of the Awards Committee by the selection criteria above). Send all emails to Gina Adams at Sparkle71710@yahoo.com.
Posted by
10/08/2007 09:06:00 AM
Monday, October 01, 2007
Running Shoe Recycling Drop-Off at Cowtown Marathon Race this Sunday Oct. 7th.
Dear Chips,
Any of you CHIPS out there that have old running shoes, tennis shoes, or sneakers that have been piling up, please bring them to the Cowtown Marathon Race this Sunday Oct. 7th. Molly Hitchings, a CHIPS family member, manages an athletic shoe recycling program with McClatchy HS classmates, known as “the Sole Patrol”, and they will be collecting your old shoes at the race
What To Bring:
Relatively clean and dry adult size and kid size running shoes, tennis shoes, or sneakers. Please tie the pairs of shoes together so that we can more easily and quickly sort them.
What Not To Bring:
No dress shoes, boots, flip-flops, sandals, hiking boots, or kids’ shoes with lights. No wet or muddy shoes — they cause the other shoes to get moldy.
What Will Happen With Your Old Shoes:
The Sole Patrol will sort the shoes, and donate the clean, re-usable shoes to local or international relief organizations that will provide them to homeless and needy people. The shoes that are not reusable will be shipped to a Nike recycling facility via Nike’s Re-Use a Shoe Program. Those shoes will be ground up and used to make athletic surfaces, including tracks, weight room flooring and playground surfaces. If you have any questions, send an email to Molly Hitchings at mollyhitch@sbcglobal.net
Thanks for your support!
Posted by
10/01/2007 04:59:00 PM
Labels: race calendar