Friday, October 19, 2007

Fire up the TIVO!

Or VCR, if you are so inclined...

NOVA Presents Unprecedented Access to the Boston Marathon


NOVA: Marathon Challenge to air on KVIE

Sacramento, CA, October, 2007: Every year thousands of athletes from around the world travel to Boston to compete in one of the most prestigious racing events – the Boston Marathon. In this compelling and inspirational program, NOVA documents how the average person prepares for this ultimate test of stamina and endurance on Marathon Challenge, debuting Tuesday, October 30 at 8:00pm on KVIE (Ch. 6).

Following Marathon Challenge, KVIE presents A Race for the Soul, an original KVIE documentary that profiles the physical and mental challenges encountered by the participants of the Western States 100, a demanding ultra-marathon held in California’s Sierra Nevada mountain range. A Race for the Soul airs Tuesday, October 30 at 9:00pm.

For Marathon Challenge, NOVA gained unprecedented access to the 111th Boston Marathon course. Filmed in cooperation with the Boston Athletic Association and Tufts University, the film examines the challenges, frustrations, and joy of thirteen sedentary individuals as they partake in a nine-month training regimen for the arduous 26.2-mile run.

Ranging in age from 22 to 60, the novice runners on Team NOVA include individuals with varying medical histories and backgrounds. Specialists and doctors at Tufts University monitor the runners throughout the training to track changes in their fitness levels. NOVA covers the physiology of running and shows how the human body responds to intense physical demands with sophisticated technology and stunning computer graphics.

Injuries and family ordeals arise, yet the team meets faithfully every Sunday as they support one another in the experience of both mind and body transformation while preparing for the epic race. On April 16, 2007, those who made it through training join 20,000 other runners to participate in the Boston Marathon, a journey that few on Team NOVA ever dreamed possible.

Related Links:

Learn more about KVIE’s “A Race for the Soul

Learn more about NOVA Marathon Challenge

The Western States 100 Marathon

The Boston Marathon

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