Monday, October 08, 2007

Awards Committee & Annual Awards categories

Message #1:
We would like you to come forth to be on the Awards Committee. For those of you who are power-hungry, possess a seething desire to affect the self-esteem of friends and foe, and/or been fired, demoted, or reprimanded due to inappropriate displays of a warped sense of humor, then the Awards Committee is right for you! To be part of this elite cadre of the finest Chips, contact Gina Adams at

Message #2:
In search of new Annual Awards categories. Some that have been offered include: "Biggest Cherry-Picker" and "Most likely to stray off course." Don't hold back. All suggestions, no matter how unconventional, will be considered. They don't even have to be running related. Send all suggestions to Gina Adams at

Message #3:
Actively soliciting stories, embarrassing moments, quirky personality traits, or anything humorously shameful or joyful about yourself and/or fellow Chips. These will be held in the highest confidence by the Awards Committee (note the integrity of the Awards Committee by the selection criteria above). Send all emails to Gina Adams at

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