Monday, October 22, 2007

Humboldt Half Marathon

Under absolutely flawless conditions (very cool and windless), the Humboldt Half Marathon produced very fast times in a well run, no-frills event. (Well, there was one guy playing bagpipes before the start.) The course is hillier than this runner expected, and there was one short, sharp climb right before the finish that caused me some trouble.

The top times for the men were a painfully fast 1:07 open and 1:11 for the masters! Top times for women were an open time of 1:20 and top masters time of 1:22—just one in front of Chipper Jenny Hitchings.

Chips present included (In order of appearance at the finish line): John Nichols (1:20:17), John Blue (1:20:51 PR!), Jenny Hitchings (1:24:24 PR and 2nd Masters!), Doug Braasch (1:39), Barbara Miller (1:45), Monty Schacht (2:05), Mike Schwartz (2:10), Larry White (2:18), and Linda Hall (2:30).

If you weren’t there, you should have been.


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