The next PAUSATF race is the Davis Mile on Sunday July 9th. We are hoping to have a lot of Chips teams in this race so please enter the race and come to Davis. As a special incentive for Chips who run in this race, Linda Hall is inviting all Chips runners to her house at 300 Sandpiper Drive, Davis for a free brunch after the race. Brunch will begin after Linda has completed her race (super senior women) and will last until 1 pm or so. Showers are available at Linda's house (please bring your own towels) and there is a pool to cool off in after the race (bring your suit). This brunch is completely free (compliments of Linda) and is open to all Chips, their friends, and, of course, "Chips wanna be's". If a 1 mile race is not enough running for you, Linda's house is on the Davis bike path so you can easily add some extra miles before or after the race. Please let Linda know in advance of race day if you will attend the brunch so that she knows how much food to prepare! (email: or answering machine 530-297-7670)
We hope that if you are not already a member of PAUSATF you will join prior to this race so that we can score you on one of the Chips age group teams. To join, go to
Click the red "Join Now!" button on the right side. Make certain to add our team number....Buffalo Chips are team #104.
We want as many team members as possible. You don't have to be fast to help a Chips team. All you have to do is finish standing up and smiling (and we are flexible about the smiling part!). REALLY. (You should also wear some clothing item that identifies you as a chip.) Teams require a certain minimum number (3-5 people depending on age and sex group) to score. So it doesn't matter how fast the fastest people are, if there is not a complete team, we will not get team points. Even a last place finisher (which I have been!) can help the scoring, but you must be a current member of Chips and a current USATF member to score. Team points often bring money into the club. The team scoring adds to the visibility of our club and helps in recruiting members because our teams welcome everyone, not just an elite few. Any questions, please contact Linda Hall at
phone 530-759-0798
Hope to see you in Davis on July 9th!
To get to Linda’s house, go north on F St. Cross Covell and continue north for another mile to the flashing yellow light at Anderson. Turn left on Anderson and then immediately turn right at Sandpiper. Sandpiper curves around to the left. Linda’s house is the pink one on the left corner of the curve(with black wrought iron fence & a pool in the back). The address is 300 Sandpiper Drive. Home phone: 530-297-7670
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Run the Davis Mile and Stay for Free Brunch by Linda M. Hall
Posted by
6/28/2006 09:30:00 PM
Monday, June 26, 2006
Weekly News Update
Submitted by Cheri Alvarez
Western States - heat, drama, dropouts & success!!
What a weekend this has been...the heat has gotten to everyone, in all races - here in Sacramento, up in the mountains and reaching all the way to Idaho!!
With 399 starters at Western States this weekend, only 210 people finished the run (that's 53%) and ONLY 54 has sub-24 hour time. This is by far the lowest year since 1995. And the heat this year was just stifling (Auburn was predicted to be at 103 degrees on Saturday)...according to Grant Carboni, there were areas where you just couldn't breathe at all. The "new" (old) route thru Duncan Canyon was not only the toughest canyon climbs, it also provided absolutely NO shade. This area was were the forest fires were years ago...and although the route was "runnable" (and not to this author, but from the pros that run this wicked beast), the trees were just shade what-so-ever. Even at midnight at the Placer High School, jackets were NOT it was still warm.
The drama in all of this was the first finisher....won't go into too much, but lets just say he got DQ-ed for being aided (and this author saw it, along with many other runners/people who KNOW the rules). It was sad to see this, but here is a link to the article in the Sacramento Bee by John Schumaker...
As for the dropout rate (and that would be 189 out of 399)...unfortunately our High Dunger John Blue, Grant Carboni, James Yee, Rena Schuman, & Becky Johnson were just knocked sideways by the heat/hills/and all things included in this wicked beast (see my trend here!!). We all hope that they are recovering quickly & are resting/relaxing!! To top this all off, one person (not a Chip) suffered an apparent heart attack early on - Lyon's Ridge, and had to be air-lifted out. Reports show that his condition has been raised from serious to stable.
Now on for the success!!! Our very own Erik Skaden, of Folsom, ran a tough but great race with a time of 19hrs/9min/5sec to place 2nd overall!!! And watching him come across the finish, he looked GREAT!!! And his pacer, Jen Devine-Pfiefer would not let him stop for anything...(that's the teacher in her!!!). Both looked great, just dirty (duh, that's to be expected!!). Our other bison that were able to beat the wicked beast ( own interpretation of what this is) are Mark Lantz with a time of 22hrs/24min/2sec placing 23rd overall!!! And John Nichols with a time of 26hrs/58min/15sec, Karyn Hoffman with a time of 27hrs/26min/26sec, Bill Finkbeiner with a time of 27hrs/40min/00sec, Barbara Elias 29hr/33min/59sec. Laura Yasso (aka Kulsik) 29hrs/38min/16sec, and Therese Iknoian 29hrs/49min/46sec. I'm sure I missed quite a few runners, but this was just my visual scan of the list. Congratulations to ALL of you for taming this wicked beast (yup, I'm going to continue to use that phrase to describe this you won't ever see me out there, unless I'm being chased all 100.2 miles!!!).
All of you are my heroes!!!
Other notables - Tim Twietmeyer finishes his 25th Western States, and his 25th sub-24hour Western States!! This is a man who tamed the beast long time ago!! And, Dean Karnazes Ian Torrence, and Simon Mtuy continue to finish in the top 20. Niki Kimball is the first woman to cross the finish line (and I want to tell you, she was hustling on the couldn't even tell that she just ran 100 miles!!!), AND...AND...AND....she was 3rd overall finisher (GIRLS ROCK!!!!). Beverly Anderson-Abbs (last years Women's winner) was 2nd female, and 9th over all (again, GILRS ROCK!!!).
Ok, enough of my gushing and awe-struckness (if there is such a word)...on to other news.
Ironman Coeur d'Alene, Idaho - June 25, 2006
Or I should IronWOman!!! From my "spies" in Coeur d'Alene, our very own Cammy Thomas was looking good and doing GREAT!!! This was her first Ironman Tri!! Cammy finished THIS wicked beast with a time of 15hrs/37min/2secs. AND... Coeur d'Alene was also under a heat wave (low 90's)!! Have not talked to her (or her family yet), but this is just FANTASTIC and we are all so proud of her!!! Here it is again...GIRLS ROCK!!!
ALSO.....Bruce Alderich just ripped through this race with a time of 11hrsmin/45min/18sec. But we always knew Bruce was an Ironman!!!
Congratulations to you both and thank to you my eyes/ears in Coeur d'Alene!!
Ok, enough my gushing on THIS event...on to the local event...
Shriners 8K & 5K - here in Sacramento
Submitted by Linda Hall
Saturday was a very hot day for the PAUSATF 8k at Shriners Hospital in Sacramento. The first thing everyone I saw said was how hot is was, even at 8 am. The next thing we all said was "I'm glad I'm not running Western States!" We had it comparatively easy in this race. The course was changed this year and it partly compensated for the hot weather because the new course is shadier and we only had to run down and up T Street once. We had a good turn out of Chips including at least 5 medal winners (with * in front of their names below) . My apologies to anyone I missed......Chips that I saw (with age group places in parenthesis) were:
*Barbara Miller (1) 37:04
*Maggie Ward (2) 42:01
Shanna Fanning (15) 43:02
Heather Bracken (4) 46:16.....Just back from the Midnight Sun Marathon in Alaska which she recommends highly.
Linda Hall (7) 47:36
*Po Adams (1) 1:04:04
Dennis Early (13) 31:39
Ernie Takahashi (5) 34:11
*Doug Braasch (3) 36:13
Gary Lotspeich (14) 37:43
Joel Contreras (9) 38:34
*Tony Alvarez (3) 43:34
Paul Camerer (4) 1:16:25
The oldest finishers were Chips Veterans Po Adams and Paul Camerer! Way to go!!!!!!!
Posted by
6/26/2006 09:20:00 PM
Weekly Workout Update
Our beloved Coach is on vacation from June 12-July9
251 Commerce Circle
Univ. Park on Univ. Ave
Univ. Park
Check Below
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
27 June
29 June
1 July
2 July
E-H.6(400), 2(1000)Base building 4-6 miles on parkway
Tempo run of 3-5 miles or base building of 7+
Bella Bru
6-18 miles on parkway upriver.
4 July
6 July
8 July
9 July
4th July 5 miler?
It's FREE!!!Base building 4-6 miles on parkway
Tempo run of 4 miles on Univ. Park course
Rescue, 6-18 miles of rolling hills perfect for marathon prep.
Posted by
6/26/2006 09:15:00 PM
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Weekly News Update
Our beloved coach is on vacation until July 9, submitted by Cheri Alvarez
Don't forget - Coming Western States 100 24-25 June, 2006
The annual 100mile "trek" across the HOT, HOT Sierras will again be held this coming weekend, and many CHIPS will be taking on this incredible challenge.
High Dunger John Blue will continue to lead the herd with full support from Eric Skaden, Mark Lantz, John Nichols, Grant Carboni and James Yee to note just some of the club men’s highlights. On the women’s side, Rena Schumann, Karyn Hoffman, and Becky Johnson certainly “highlight” the experienced WS100 perspective and that of the first-timer.
Best of experiences to all our BISON on this demanding course.
Results of the Buffalo Chips Contingency South Africa
for Comrades Marathon, 16 June
NO | Name | Est. Dist. Covered | pos | Fin/Est |
4926 | 86.75 | 4952 | 10:13:26 | |
16946 | 86.75 | 9783 | 11:58:00 | |
55062 | 86.75 | 847 | 07:39:30 | |
13525 | 86.75 | 5062 | 09:58:52 |
First place overall winner, with a time of 5:42:06, was Jaroslaw Janicki of Poland, covering 87.5km (52.5Miles)...the "up" year!!!
Local Rich Hanna,
WINS the Mayor's Marathon in Anchorage, Alaska
Local runner & race director extraordinaire, Rich Hanna, races and wins the 32nd Annual Mayor's Marathon held on June 17, with a fabulous time of 2:36:22!! Rich not only trained the Team in Training group in Sacramento for this, he also raised $10,200 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Congratulations Rich!!!
Ironman Coeur d'Alene, Idaho - June 25, 2006
This is a busy weekend for our local runners to pushing their body to the limits!! Several local Chips will head up to Idaho to participate in another grueling sport...the Ironman (and woman!!) in Coeur d'Alene!! Not only will they do a marathon, but they precede this with a 2.4m swim, followed by a 112m bike "ride" and THEN, they do a marathon (yup, that 26.2m on dead legs/body). These brave souls include husband & wife team of Bruce & Alene Alderich, & Camryn Thomas!! The Sacramento area crowd is well over 40, but our Chippers are who we are cheering for!!! Go CHIPS!!! You are an inspiration to us all!!
Further, Coming to THIS AREA, PA-USATF Grand Prix Mile Race…
Very appropriate for the warmer (read hotter) summer months, the featured Grand Prix race upcoming is the Fleet Feet Mile, and this is a wonderful opportunity to test your sharpness for a mile PR… Sunday, July 9, test your abilities in Davis at the Fleet Feet Davis Mile!!
Posted by
6/21/2006 09:20:00 AM
Weekly Workout Update
Our beloved Coach is on vacation from June 12-July9
251 Commerce Circle
Univ. Park on Univ. Ave
Univ. Park
Check Below
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
20 June
22 June
24 June
25 June
F-H..2(800), 6(400)Base building 4-6 miles on parkway
WS 100 Aid station
Fish Hatchery
6-18 miles around Lake
27 June
29 June
1 July
2 July
E-H.6(400), 2(1000)Base building 4-6 miles on parkway
Tempo run of 3-5 miles or base building of 7+
Bella Bru
6-18 miles on parkway upriver.
4 July
6 July
8 July
9 July
4th July 5 miler?
It's FREE!!!Base building 4-6 miles on parkway
Tempo run of 4 miles on Univ. Park course
Rescue, 6-18 miles of rolling hills perfect for marathon prep.
Posted by
6/21/2006 09:15:00 AM
Monday, June 12, 2006
Weekly News Update
Our beloved coach is on vacation until July 9
Coming Western States 100 24-25 June, 2006
The annual trek across the Sierras will again be held the last weekend in June, and many CHIPS will be taking on this incredible challenge.
High Dunger John Blue will continue to lead the herd with full support from Eric Skaden, Mark Lantz, John Nichols, Grant Carboni and James Yee to note just some of the club men’s highlights. On the women’s side, Rena Schumann, Karyn Hoffman, and Becky Johnson certainly “highlight” the experienced WS100 perspective and that of the first-timer.
Best of experiences to all our BISON on this demanding course.
Visiting South Africa for Comrades Marathon, 16 June
Questionably called a “marathon,” the Comrades course varies in distance depending on the direction which alternates each year. This year is an “uphill” direction, starting in Durban and finishing in Pietermaritzberg, and thus the distance is “only” 54 miles. Heading this group is three time finishers, Christine Iwahashi and Sharon Lindeque and they are joined by Mary Coordt, Myra Rhodes and Lilian Shek, all looking for their “first finish” in this grueling road “race.” On the men’s side, Club founder, Abe Underwood (who still holds the club’s master’s 50 mile record at 6:09) is coming to take on this challenge and lead the club’s other runners including Dennis Scott (two time finisher), Lee Rhodes, and part-time Chips, David Wright and Mike Talbert (one time finisher there).
After the run, most of the travelers will spend time on safari in Tanzania and then enjoy a further layover in London before returning to their homes on 1 July.
Further, Coming to THIS AREA, PA-USATF Grand Prix Mile Race…
Very appropriate for the warmer (read hotter) summer months, the featured Grand Prix race upcoming is the Fleet Feet Mile, and this is a wonderful opportunity to test your sharpness for a mile PR… Sunday, July 9, test your abilities in Davis at the Fleet Feet Davis Mile!!
Posted by
6/12/2006 09:10:00 PM
Weekly Workout Update
Tuesday | Thursday | Saturday | Sunday |
251 Commerce Circle | Univ. Park on Univ. Ave | Univ. Park | Check Below
5:30 p.m. | 5:30 p.m. | 7:30 a.m. | 7:30 a.m. |
13 June | 15 June | 17 June | 18 June |
Groups: A-E..12(400), 6(200) | Base building 4-6 miles on parkway | Tempo Run of 3-5 miles or base building of 7+ | Panera Bread Co. 2 hours |
20 June | 22 June | 24 June | 25 June |
Groups: A-E..4(800),6(400) | Base building 4-6 miles on parkway | WS 100 Aid station | Fish Hatchery 6-18 miles around Lake |
27 June | 29 June | 1 July | 2 July |
Groups.. A-D.8(400),4(1000) | Base building 4-6 miles on parkway | Tempo run of 3-5 miles or base building of 7+ | Bella Bru 6-18 miles on parkway upriver. |
4 July | 6 July | 8 July | 9 July |
Base building 4-6 miles on parkway | Tempo run of 4 miles on Univ. Park course | Rescue, 6-18 miles of rolling hills perfect for marathon prep. |
Posted by
6/12/2006 09:05:00 PM
Western States Safety Patrol member looking for driver
Glenn Misono, said...
Can anyone drive my car from Squaw Valley down to Robinson Flat? I coordinate the safety patrol for the first section and will give out an extra Robinson parking pass for your crew's vehicle so you won't have to take the shuttle.
Glenn Misono, WS Safety Patrol
Posted by
6/12/2006 08:55:00 PM
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Stories and photos for the summer issue
Stories and photos for the summer issue Buffalo Enquirer (the spring issue is on its way) is due this Thursday, June 15. Please send to Susanne ( or Sara (
Posted by
6/11/2006 10:00:00 PM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run
Chips - The Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run is fast approaching (June 24th) and for those of you familiar with the trail or with just a willing spirit of adventure, there are several pacing opportunities. The following is a link to the Western States website and list of runners looking for pacers. For each runner there is a brief bio or goals for the run. Several participants looking for pacers are our international participants - United Kingdom, Norway, etc. Many first timers... There is a direct link with each person so you can get in touch with them... This is a great way to spend an evening / night introducing a new person to the magic that is the Western States trail.
To find out more about pacing and what is expected, go to the above link - at the top of the page is a Runner Prep drop-down menu. Select "Participant Guide" and you'll be directed to a page of info that includes information about pacing.
The runners will each have their own gear and all you'll need is a two-bottle pack and a couple of flashlights with spare batteries. You'll most likely meet your runner at Mile 62 / Foresthill in the late afternoon / early evening and accompany them to either the river crossing (Mile 78) or to the finish (38 miles total). Many lasting friendships have been made through pacing and you'll get a chance to taste the spirit of the race.
I'll be glad to answer any questions you might have - I paced for a couple of years before lacing up my own shoes as a participant so first timers are welcome, too!
Thank you for your consideration of this unique opportunity.
Ken Crouse
(916) 220-0085
Posted by
6/06/2006 09:33:00 PM
Monday, June 05, 2006
Weekly News Update
Monday, 29 May.
(From Linda Hall)
Here are the folks that at Marin
Gary Lotspeich
Monty Schacht
Doug Brassch
Joel Contreras
Carolyn McCarter
Barbara Miller
Linda Hall
Again THANKS for supporting the PA-USATF Grand Prix circuit.
Sunday 4 June…..Lindsay Pears-Dickson turned a slightly over 5 hour debut and Linda Hall broke 6 hours with some margin. Winning times were 2:10 and 2:28 for anybody interested in those details. Anybody else from the herd find their way to San Diego this past weekend?
Anybody want to guess what this time actually is? The new WR was less than a one second improvement, but bonus $ comes for any recognized new standard….Answer is below….
Want to see some really outstanding and inspiring examples of athletic excellence? Want to see the equivalent of a “sub 4” mile? I had to go to Eugene when I was in college to see that kind of quality, (miles away and many moons ago) but we have it RIGHT HERE this week with the top-level collegians ALL here for their NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Predictions…Men’s 1500m times to win of under 3:38 (equal to a 3:55 mile) for men, and around 4:10 for women (equal about 4:28 mile). Men’s 5k times under 14 minutes for SEVERAL athletes and under 16 minutes for the women. See 7 feet in the high jump and 17 feet in the pole vault for the men. The men’s 10k should easily go under 28:30 if it is not too hot at race time.
Reserved SEATING is still available at only $70 for the WHOLE MEET (Wed, Thurs, Friday, Saturday). For more information, call 566-6560 or log on to
See you THERE !!!!!
24-25 June is THE day for many Chips who have trained and prepped for this most challenging event. See Denis Zilaff to volunteer for the Chips Aid Station at Devil’s Thumb. This is one of THE MOST INTERESTING and exciting places on the course.
Answer: (Women’s 5000 km WR is 14:24)
Posted by
6/05/2006 10:20:00 AM
Weekly Workout Update
Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. from 251 Commerce Circle…HOT WEATHER Workout Program
A-D…2(800), 12(400), 5(200)
E-F….2(800), 8(400), 5(200)
G-H…800, 5(400), 5(200)
SS & FW….steady, of course.
Wednesday, 10:15 a.m. from Guy West Bridge...WALKING GROUP...
60-90 minutes along parkway at constant pace in out and back course
Thursday, 5:30 p.m. from University Park on University Ave.
Generally a steady state and base building session of 4-7 miles along parkway at base building pace.
Saturday, 7:30 a.m. - EARLIER START time for "Summer", from University Park on University Ave.
Tempo Run of 3-4 miles on parkway plus warm-up and cool down OR…
Steady state base building run of 5-7 miles on parkway.
Sunday, 7:30 a.m. - EARLIER START time for "Summer", from Rescue staging area (corner of Green Valley Rd and Cameron Park Drive)
….for options of 6-18 miles of rolling hills. Good training venue for SF Marathon participants…
NOTE: Remember that Linda Hall has Jelly Belly “Energy Bean Samples.” You MUST be willing to e-mail her a review of this new product, but those of us who have tried it find it every bit as good as “GU,” and much easier to carry and get down.
Posted by
6/05/2006 10:15:00 AM
Upcomming Races from Chips Website
June 24-25, 2006 - 33rd Annual Western States 100M (Squaw Valley to Auburn)
June 24, 2006 - Shriners 8K (Sacramento)
July 4, 2006 - Roseville Community Crime Stoppers 4th of July 5K (Roseville)
July 7-8, 2006 - Reno Odyssey Relay Run Adventure (Reno)
August 5, 2006 - 24th Annual Round Valley Run/Walk 5.3m (Greenville, CA)
August 12, 2006 - Susan B Anthony Women's 5K (Sacramento)
September 10, 2006 - Buffalo Stampede 10 Miler (Sacramento)
Posted by
6/05/2006 10:10:00 AM
Volunteer recruitment for Devil’s Thumb Aid Station
The 33rd running of the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run is fast approaching and I am recruiting volunteers to work at the Devil's Thumb aid station on Saturday June 24th. Devil’s Thumb is accessible by car and is located approximately 20 miles past Forest Hill.
The Western States Endurance Run starts at the base of Squaw Valley and climbs to the peak of Emigrant Pass where it winds through beautiful trails in the High Sierra and into deep forests along high mountain ridges. The trail then drops into “The Canyons” (Deadwood, El Dorado and Volcano) while passing through the old mining communities of Last Chance, Devil’s Thumb and Michigan Bluff. Once out of the canyons, most runners encounter night running along desolate trails adjacent the Middle Fork of the North Fork of the American River, crossing the river at Rucky Chucky and emerging twenty miles later at the edge of Auburn and the end of the adventure.
Devil’s Thumb (a.k.a. “The Thumb” “DT”) is one of the best aid stations to view the race due to the spectacular beauty, reasonable accessibility, and superb time of day to work. The Thumb is located on a ridge between two steep canyons (Deadwood and El Dorado) and is at the top of the steepest climb on the course. DT gets its name from a rock formation that looks like a huge thumb sticking out of a sheer canyon wall. The aid station is only one and one-half miles (1600 vertical feet) from the bottom of Deadwood Canyon, one of the most magnificent areas in the sierras. There are lush ferns growing next to fresh water springs flowing out of rocks in the bottom of the canyon. A swinging bridge crosses the river and the trails climb through incredible wild flowers and thick green forests heading back toward the old mining town of Last Chance. Since the Devil’s Thumb aid station is midway through the race the first runners usually come in about noon and the last runners arrive about 6:30 p.m. Therefore, no one has to get up early or stay late to participate. We like to get volunteers at the station by about 10:00 and we are packed and close by 7:00 p.m. During that time you will be part of a party. The volunteers are friendly; the runners are marvelous to watch; and the scenery is spectacular.
Let me know if you are interested and I will give you more details. Please bring a spouse or friend(s) but animals and small children (probably under 10) have to stay home. Bring a tent and camp If you want to make a weekend of it. A few of us get to the Thumb early and run to Last Chance and back (nine miles) before we set up the aid station.
You will receive a Western States T-shirt, enjoy a memorable day and get lots of thanks for your volunteer efforts. Please feel free to pass this Email on to anyone you know who may want to join the fun. If you want to volunteer, send me an email with your name and the names of those who will volunteer with you along with your T-shirt sizes. I will forward the directions and further details to you a couple of weeks before the event.
Denis Zilaff
875-3178 (work)
Posted by
6/05/2006 10:05:00 AM