Don't miss the 3rd Annual Auburn Endurance Capital Street Party, Saturday
October 7, 6:30 to 10 pm, in Old Town Auburn! from Cynci Calvin
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Auburn Endurance Street Party on October 7
Posted by
9/27/2006 10:59:00 PM
What do you do with your empty shoe boxes?
Most of your fellow Chips are going to bring them by Gina's house at 3956 N Street and drop them off on the porch. The remaining members will bring them to the next Tuesday workout. Your empty shoe boxes will enable us to make the highly fashionable Chips merchandise available to you! Any questions, call (916) 457-8813.
Posted by
9/27/2006 10:56:00 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Weekly News Update
Heritage Oaks, PA-USATF Championship 10K (From Linda Hall)
Want to be a “professional runner” no matter your actual speed? Heritage Oaks Open 10k
It was a great day for this race in Paso Robles. Cool and sunny. In the National Masters Championship 10k, Chips Super senior women had a team of
Barbara Miller
Nova Poff
Linda Hall
There were fast folks from all over (Utah, Texas, Indiana, etc.) in this race. Barbara was second in her age group and Nova was third. In addition, in the age graded results, Barbara took home $1000 prize money. Great work Barbara!!!
Some younger Chips there in the open division, but I did not get their results.
It was really true: everyone who ran the open 10k got $50 as they crossed the finish line. There were also a lot of fun runs including some really fast kids in the half and full mile runs, great costumes in the Mascot race (all entrants eligible for a $500 draw prize...we really need to get a chip in a Buffalo costume next year), and a funny diaper dash where all entrants were eligible for a $250 draw prize. Four round trips for two to Hawaii were also given away as draw prizes. It was a fun family championship event.
Rio Del Lago 50 Miles
Our own Mark Lantz, already leading in the 40-49 men’s ultra Grand Prix series added to this with THE OVERALL WIN at the Rio Del Lago 50 miles beating even all the team groups in that distance this past weekend. Whew ! Second, some 30 minutes back was former Chip Jim Howard (age 52) making an impressive return to solid form after an almost life-threatening fall from his home roof last year.
Ultra Grand Prix Current Standings….Chips in Control !
The PA-USATF Ultra Grand Prix series is being totally dominated by the bison and bisonette this year. Leading the women’s under 29 division is Chip Molly Pelton; leading the women’s 40-49 group is Chip Rena Schumann followed in second by Chip Karyn Hoffman. In the women’s 50-59 group, Chris Flaherty is #3 and Barbara Ashe holds #5 overall. Leading in the women’s 60-69 division is Barbara Elia.
In the men’s 30-39 group, Erik Skaden is numero uno, and Mark Lantz is tops in the men’s 40-49 segment followed in 3rd there by John Nichols. In the men’s 50-59 division James Yee comes across in the 5th position and in the 60-69 group, Ernie Takahashi is #3 followed in 5th by Ron Peck.
In TEAM SCORING, the Buffalo Chips are #2 in men’s and #1 in both mixed and women’s groups. The club’s overall standing is….NUMBER ONE in the PA-USATF 2006 Ultra Grand Prix at this time !
Congratulations to all bison and bisonettes who have taken this extended series of challenges this year.
World News……
Berlin Marathon Produces Year’s Fastest !
Following his 58:55 road half marathon world best time this past January at the Phoenix Rock and Roll venue, Haile Gebrselassie (ETH ) continued his road dominance with a sparkling solo 2:05:56 NR for a $50,000 + $30,000 bonus in time incentives payday. His closest pursuer was almost 5 minutes behind at the finish line. Gete Wami, also of Ethiopia, ran 2:21 for the women’s win and a $65,000 total payday.
Gebrselassie was on WORLD RECORD pace up to 35 km, from that point he slowed just enough to miss the CR and WR set by Paul Tergat on this course at 2:04:55. (Tergat had the advantage of a training partner who was able to push him right up to the finish line where his buddy was outkicked but still finished at 2:04:58 for second place that day and the fastest “loser” in history!)
T-Marathons Equal
This past weekend, both the Toronto and Turin Marathons were hosted and both settings saw men’s overall winning times of 2:10. Coincidence, but at least somewhat interesting.
Boulder Backroads Marathon and Half-Marathon (Colorado)
The full marathon on a rolling course under perfect weather conditions was won in a somewhat slowish 2:43:10 with the second place finisher almost a full six minutes back. The big news here, however, is that the FIRST PLACE OVERALL was a FEMALE, Nuta Olaru, one of the elite women training in the altitude there. Of course that 6000’ elevation had something to do with the “somewhat slowish” times.
In the half-marathon, Chips Lee Rhodes (70-75 age division) was second and Ginger Bryan (65-69 group) dominated her division. Chris Iwahashi took a 3rd place in her 50-54 age group.
This was a totally spectacular event staged in a beautiful setting with great overall entrant services and support.
Posted by
9/25/2006 09:20:00 PM
Weekly Workout Update
Tues. 5:30pm | Wed. | Thur. 5:30 pm | Sat. 8 a.m. | Sun. 8am |
251 Commerce Circle | Nothing Scheduled | Univ. Park on Univ. Ave. | Univ. Park on Univ. Ave. | Panera 901 Howe Ave. |
Groups: A-D..6(400 @2 min), 3(800), 2(1) E-F..6(400)@2 min, 2(800), 1G-H..6(400 @3 min), 1 SS & FW steady | Steady state on parkway | Options: 1. Steady state on parkway OR 2. Tempo run of 4-5 mi. | Out and Back on parkway of 2.5 hours with out comfortable and back at marathon or quicker "race effort." |
Posted by
9/25/2006 09:15:00 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Weekly News Update
September 24, 2006 - Paso Robles 10k
October 15, 2006 - Humboldt Redwoods Half and Full Marathon (Beautiful courses)
Report on Jamba Juice 5k, PA-USATF Grand Prix …(From Linda Hall)
The first chip finisher was Joel Contreras at 22:35 (Age group place=7) with Barbara Miller close behind at 22:37 (2).
Next came Monty Schacht at 24:01 (17th) with Doug Braasch at 24:43 (6th) which was a valiant effort since Doug has been suffering with plantar....
Lindsay Pears-Dickson had a PR for the 5k distance with a 26:08 (20) which was about 1.5 minutes faster than last year (a tribute to her dedication and hard work at the Tuesday night workouts!
Linda Hall finished in 28:25 (4). Apologies to anyone missed.
The next USATF race will be next Sunday. The Heritage Oaks 10 in Paso Robles. Linda Hall still has a room available for that if you want to drive or carpool to PR on Sat. She also clarified the situation with USATF about >40 year olds running in the open race (where one might get $50 random prize). If you are 40 or older you must run in the later masters Championship 10 (no $50) in order to qualify for individual and team points. (Of course, you must also be a USATF member with Buffalo Chips club 104 as your affiliation).
Also, Linda still has rooms available for the Humboldt half marathon on Oct 15th. (the rooms are for the night of Sat Oct 14th). Please let her know ASAP if you would like to reserve a room.
Other PA/USATF news for older chips:
Starting next year 2007 the PAUSATF association is leading the way by creating a new category "Super Veterans" for folks older than 80. Although at this time, there will not be monetary awards in this category, the male and female individual point leaders at the end of the year, will receive complementary entries into all of the PAUSATF grand prix series the following year. So there is a value to growing old.
And it gets even better. Beginning in 2008, for each grand prix road race will offer $25 prize money to the first male and female finisher in the Veterans division (>70). At this time, these folks get recognition, but no prize money. So folks it pays to get old!
Finally, for the Christmas Relays, teams that won first place in 2005 will get a complementary entry for 2006. This means that for 2006 the Chips Super Senior women (>60) will get a free entry. Hurrah.
Training Tip…Want to improve your running speed? One of the best workouts is the LONGER tempo run.
Try starting with about a 3 mile effort run at the pace you would or could do for a 10k race. As you become somewhat comfortable doing this workout twice a week, then graduate to a 5 mile tempo effort done at the pace of a half-marathon race. Do about 2 weeks of this challenge, twice a week, then graduate to a 8 mile tempo run paced at about 30 seconds FASTER than goal marathon speed. Do about 2 weeks of these efforts and then graduate to 10 miles done at about 20 seconds faster than goal marathon pace.
NOTE: Runners who are simply “larger framed” individuals must do longer endurance workouts than smaller framed athletes. There is a reason that Kenyans and other East Africans are such efficient runners and it does NOT come from “training at altitude,” but rather because they tend to have the somatotype ideal for longer running efficiency. Running longer distances is all about having enough FUEL in your tank to energize your metabolism for that demanded distance. It is simply physics, it takes MORE FUEL to move more “mass.” A larger athlete must move more mass, and hence demands more internal fuel. You must simulate your metabolic demands in your workouts and learn how to respond accordingly.
The larger athlete should generally extend their long runs and tempo runs about 20% to 25% longer than that which would be required by the lighter bodied athlete….or suffer ….running out of fuel in those last 3-5 miles on “race day.”
Posted by
9/19/2006 07:20:00 AM
Weekly Workout Update
Tuesday 5:30 p.m. | Wednesday | Thursday 5:30 pm | Saturday 8 am | Sunday 8 am |
251 Commerce Circle | NONE SCHEDULED | Univ.Park on Univ. Ave. | Univ.Park on Univ. Ave. | Rescue |
Groups: A-D..4(800),3(1) E-F..4(800),2(1)G-H.4(800), 1 SS & FW..steady | NONE | Steady state on parkway, 4-7 miles | Options: Steady state on parkway 5-7 mi. OrTempo Run 4-5 miles | Rolling hills of 10-20 miles on NEW COURSE, Sorry NOT marked yet. |
Posted by
9/19/2006 07:15:00 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Buffalo Bash Is Coming December 3rd!
Can you hear it? The Buffalo Bash is coming December 3, 2006! This is the club’s premier social event so don’t miss it! Event details will follow as we make them up.
This year, we’re going to set up a table so you can renew your Chips and USATF membership. We’re hoping to save you time, save the club mailing costs, and ensure than you score for those early season races.
I’ll be heading up this year’s awards committee. Be sure to give me suggestions for any Chips you feel deserve recognition. We’re wanting to reward great performances, significant improvements, amazing efforts, and those wonderful volunteers! (Also, let me know if you want to be on the awards committee.)
Posted by
John Blue
9/17/2006 09:42:00 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Weekly News Update
This year’s Buffalo Stampede was the absolutely BEST in anyone’s personal memory and most of us think it was the absolutely best in the event’s history.
From the entrant’s perspective, there were great goodies and wonderful post-run ambience and support. The course was perfectly marked and measured, and the monitors, aid stations and police support was without fault.
The weather, usually decent to good, was outstanding with an almost ideal morning temperature, only the slightest of breezes for optimal cooling, and later day temperatures still in the comfortable range for relaxing after the run.
And the club’s perspective on the event, notes virtually no complaints or negative comments from the entrants, and the numbers were UP, UP, UP from any previous year:
From Pete Zinsli’s Database:
The numbers recorded are the total number of finishers officially recorded through the available years of Pete’s record keeping. Some of the earlier years saw both a 5k and the 10 mile distance noted, and recent years total the Migration plus the Stampede to produce that total. By any counting metric, this was a wonderful outcome for the club and for the community in terms of participation!
To Shanna, Jennifer, and their cadre of dedicated volunteers and to all the club members who gave of their time and energy to support the event with their work…a BIG THANK YOU.
FIRST CHIP appears to be Ed Randolph with a 3rd in the 30-34 division and a time of 60:57 with first FEMALE CHIP for Mary Coordt winning the 35-39 age division with her 63:20.
Further distinguished female Chip performances included Susan Frazier 2nd in the under 14 division, Lauren Eisenbud with a 2nd in the 20-24 division. We “adopt” Lauren as she is the youngest daughter of legendary Chip, Elliot Eisenbud, who as Race Director of this event some 24 years ago sited it at Rio Americano High School and set the first version of the course from that venue. Elliot also finished the migration division of the event this year!
Jenny Hitchings was 2nd in the 40-44 division with a solid 65:57 and Chris Iwahashi was 3rd in the women's’ 50-54 group. WINNING the 60-64 division was super steady Chippette Barbara Elia with Cynci Calvin 3rd in that group.
On the age division male side, Nathan Paddeck and Jerune Keukenkamp duked it out in the under 14 age group with Nathan taking the first in 62:30 to Jerune’s 65:31. Kal Lowden was 2nd in the 30-34 group, and High Dunger, John Blue, pulled out a 3rd in the highly competitive men’s 40-44 division with a 61:17 over fast starting John Nichols who arrived marginally later in 62:12.
Chris Enfante produced a solid 3rd in the men’s 50-54 category with a wonderful 67:47 while Ernie Takahashi barely missed breaking 70 minutes at 70:11 for 2nd in the 60-64 group and Gordon Hall took home a 3rd place award for the over 70 age division.
Congratulations to ALL participants and ALL VOLUNTEERS; it was a wonderful morning in Sacramento fitness!
Coming Paso Robles 10k and in October….Humboldt Half-Marathon!
IF you are among the many Bison planning on a Fall marathon (Chicago, NYC, CIM, etc.), then your training should now be in a highly programmatic state. You MUST have two elements in your training NOW to make that marathon less traumatic on “race” day:
1. Long runs….You should have AT LEAST 6 long runs of 18 miles to….30 miles in the 16 weeks of buildup to your goal marathon. IF you are a male runner who weighs 170 pounds or more…then you really MUST be doing at least two (2) of those long runs of 26-30 miles.
2. Tempo runs…IF you are “time hopeful,” then you must also be increasing your running efficiency, and tempo runs are THE BEST venue for that improvement. The tempo runs done at least once and perhaps even TWICE a week should work up to 10 to even 12 miles of distance done at a pace just a bit FASTER than goal marathon pace. For example, if you are hoping to run a 3:30 marathon on race day, your tempo runs should be done at or just under 7:30/mile pace, and if your goal for the marathon is a “sub 3 hour” marathon then your tempo runs need to be at about 6:30/mile pace.
The metaphor of marathon preparation being like constructing a building works here so that without the core building elements….the building will simply collapse, and with strong building elements, then your construction will stand the “challenge of the elements.”
Posted by
9/12/2006 09:20:00 PM
Weekly Workout Update
Tues | Wed | Thurs | Sat | Sun |
251 Commerce Circle | No meeting | Univ. Park on Univ. Ave | University Park on Univ. Ave | Fish Hatchery Hiway 50/Hazel |
5:30 p.m. | 10:15am | 5:30 p.m. | 8:00 a.m. | 8:00 a.m. |
Groups: A-D.. 3(1000),3(800) G_H.. | Nothing scheduled | Steady State base building or Fitness walking along parkway | Options include: 1. Steady state base building run 2. Tempo run of 3-5 miles | Out and back or loop options of 2 to 2.5 HOURS or distances from 6 miles to 18 miles suggested. |
Posted by
9/12/2006 09:15:00 PM
Humbolt Marathon
I have tentatively reserved 6 rooms for Chips on my credit card at the Sherwood Forest in Garberville for the evening of October 14 (before the Humboldt Half Marathon. You will remember that this is on this side of the half marathon and the motel particularly likes Chips. They keep open two rooms (with soap and towels) for us after the run on Sunday so that we can take showers before heading home. There is a great natural foods burrito place on the way to or from Garberville and of course, there is a Foster's Freeze on the way back. The rooms I have reserved are as follows:
2 single queens @ $66
2 double queens @ $88
2 triple queens @$99
Please let me know if you are interested in any of the rooms, need roommates, want to carpool to Garberville, etc. The motels in the area are filling up quickly. These rooms I have reserved are strictly on a first come first serve basis. If we get close to race time and one or more of the rooms are not spoken for, I will turn them back in so the hotel can fill them
This is one of the nicest races in the USATF grand prix series. The long sleeve shirts are always colorful with a great new logo each year. There also is a terrific bargain pasta feed the night before.
Let me know ASAP, if you are interested and which type of room you want.
Linda M. Hall
email -
Posted by
9/12/2006 09:05:00 PM
Achilles Tendon Study
My name is Katie Antle and I am a graduate student at the University of California, Davis in the Biomedical Engineering Department currently conducting research in the Human Performance Laboratory. I am interested in the incidence of Achilles tendon injury in the 35-50 year old population, as this is the age range in which the majority of these injuries occur. I am hoping that you will answer a few short questions so that I can gage the prevalence of these injuries in the local population and decide if research in this area is warranted. The more information we have regarding Achilles tendon injuries, the better prepared we will be to prevent and treat such injuries. Simply 'reply' to this message and answer the following questions as accurately as possible. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Thank you for your help.
Achilles Tendon Injury Questionnaire
1. Gender: Male or Female
2. Age:
3. Briefly describe the types of exercise/physical activity you participate in on a weekly basis ( e.g. play tennis twice per week, run 2-5 miles per week, play soccer 2 nights per week, etc.)?
4. On average, how many hours per week do you participate in exercise/physical activity (activities that you feel gets your heart beating fairly fast)?
5. Have you ever experienced any pain in the Achilles tendon region (the Achilles tendon is the large tendon that connects the muscles on the back of your lower leg to your heel bone)?
If yes, please answer the following questions:
a. Where was the pain located along the tendon (e.g. closer to the heel bone, to the calf muscle, or in between)?
b. What physical activities were you participating in days/weeks/months prior to the injury?
c. What were you doing at the time of injury (e.g. stepped off the curb and felt a pain in the back of my leg; pain came on gradually over time being more severe after resting)?
d. How long ago did the injury occur?
e. How long did the injury last?
f. What did you do to treat the injury?
6. If I decide to pursue research in this area, then would you be interested in participating in a research study that would involve simple ankle strength measurements and ultrasound imaging of your Achilles tendon on 2-3 separate occasions? Each testing session would be conducted at the UC Davis Human Performance Laboratory and would take approximately 1 hour.
If yes, then please provide let me know how you would prefer to be contacted (e.g. email, phone, etc.).
Thanks for taking the time to help me with this project. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by email or phone.
Katie Antle
Posted by
9/12/2006 09:00:00 PM
Now, there are a tremendous amount of people to thank for this year's event....and everyone deserves and has earned a thank you. THANK YOU!! I must apologize if I have missed your name!!!
First off, you may not have seen the most important Co-Race Director and Vice High Dungess of this years and last year's Buffalo Stampede....give around of applause for Ms. Jennifer Rousseve!!! I am so grateful to have worked with an amazing and beautiful Buffalo Chippette...she was able to obtain most of the yummy loot in the goody bags this year, she recruited the majority of her friends to pick up bagels, Joanne Souveiner,John Shelgren- five mile splits, Bill Costa to paper the course, Debe and Doreen who drove Jennifer to the event and are all making sure she stays healthy with wonderful support....and there are many others...big-big thanks to you all! Tony Smith- The Treasurer of the Buffalo Chips...and Stampede Co-Race Director...gathering our equipment....making sure we had exposure at various events...and more than what I am listing here. Carol Parise- SBA Race Director...she not only delivered coffee to the event...but made sure the course was set up correctly...She was truly the race director!!!:) Jaime Frink, the newest Board Member and Volunteer Coordinator...did an awesome job getting the volunteers in the right direction!!! John Blue, our President...not just lending support but for not bringing his 500 pound Buffalo onto the Course this year....thank you so much!!! Johanne Christmas for obtaining the running bibs and jumping in at the last minute as a course monitor, Dennis Scott & Arnold for marking the course...Now, here are some people that kept our runners hydrated and kept them safe...Ben Lasala, Charlene Fitzpatrick, Joel Brandt, Maria & Brian Popvach, THE YOUTH CHIPS-GEORGE PADDECK AND TEAM!!! Grant Carboni and McClatchy Track Team...thank YOU ALL for keeping the runners fueled so that they could make it back to the finish line. Our Course Monitors, Mark & Rena up at Sand Bar Circle and helped with awards, Cheri & Luis Alvarez were on the course...I know that there were many others...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! John Paris-Salb, Ed Stromberg, Brian Tsuyuki, Bill Roehr, Megan Schwartz, Tracy Williams, Steve Picanco, Bronwyn Gillespie, Karen & Jim Fischer, Lesa Havert, Jennie Perez, Leonie & Megan. MARIO SANCHEZ...the H20 guy...he quenched your thirst when you came across that finish line and he set up the event and cleaned up..thank you!! All of you did a fantastic made this event a success!!! George Parrott and Chris Iwahashi...they not only prepped the awards, papered the course, supplied the radios, paced the runners out...but coached the co-race directors. Steve Wetmore-Can't Thank You have know idea of all the help you gave!!!
Wait..there is more...I know...the music started playing a long time ago..and I'm supposed to get off the could we have ever gotten started without the help of all the volunteers and Goody Bag Stuffing know who you are...and pre-registration..Larry White, Mary Coordt, Ernie Takahashi, Robin Rogerson, Claire Hanamoto...and the best early a.m. running partner...Stephanie Papas....who not only helped vendors set up, ran the girls on the run table and listened to me whine in the early am running sessions...oh, wait...did I mention Abe Underwood, snapping pictures, setting up the pa system and providing the most interesting awards-ACTUAL BUFFALO CHIPS!! (That's why we had so many runners this year...none of them knew what the first prize was...:):) Registration day....Sophy Brown and Zoe- who also helped with the kids run..Barbara & Tom Farren, Cindy Nalepa-Nelson, Cat and Counne Scrima...again, my apologies if I missed your name.
Again, truly is a Buffalo Chips Running can not happen without volunteers and our own runners!!! THANK YOU !!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! FOR YOUR SUPPORT, YOUR PARTICIPATION AND FOR COMMITTING TO BEING A VOLUNTEER!!!- OVER AND OUT RAINBOW TROUT....CYNCI CALVIN folks...she did an awesome job on the graphics!!! Claire Hanamoto- original art work!!! yes, I know..the show is over and the credits are rolling......thank you!!
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." -T.S. Eliot
Posted by
9/12/2006 05:30:00 AM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Weekly News Update
One of the oldest and most respected regional runs in Northern California will be hosted at Rio Americano High School this coming Sunday (Sept. 10). The Buffalo Stampede has been a keystone in our valley racing scene for over 30 years and course records of 47 and change for men and in the 54 minute territory for women clearly attest to the potential for new personal records on this flat and fast course mostly along American River Drive.
With more than 600 already registered this year’s edition will be one of the largest fields in many years, and the event has become a first stage in the later Fall buildup for the California International Marathon in December.
If you are not going to run the race, then VOLUNTEER (contact Shanna Fanning).
See ALL of you on Sunday morning!
This reports the final race of the European “Golden Series” in track…
Already on his own when he reached the 2000 meter mark in 5:07.50, Bekele churned out consistent sub-63 second laps, steadily increasing his lead over the chase pack by a second per lap. When he reached the bell in 11:58, the Ethiopian was nearly 11 seconds clear of the field. With a sub-60 second closing lap, he crossed the line in 12:57.74 to earn a US$ 83,333 share of the prize pie. With a furious closing charge over the final 150 meters, his younger brother Tariku Bekele finished second (13:04.83), with Abreham Cherkos Feleke, still only 16, third (13:05.40) to complete an Ethiopian sweep.
Wouldn’t it be nice if ANY American “teenager” could run a 13:05 5k?
Posted by
9/06/2006 09:20:00 PM
Weekly Workout Update
Tues | Wed | Thurs | Sat | Sun |
251 Commerce Circle | No meeting | Univ. Park on Univ. Ave | University Park on Univ. Ave | Rio Americano High School
5:30 p.m. | 10:15am | 5:30 p.m. | 8:00 a.m. | 7:00 a.m. |
5 Sept | 6 Sept | 7 Sept | 9 Sept | 10 Sept |
Groups: A-D.. E-F.. SS and WALKING | No meeting scheduled | Steady state of 4-7 miles on parkway | Tempo run of 3 miles or base building of up to 7 miles | Buffalo Stampedeor Migration 10 mi. at Rio American High School |
Posted by
9/06/2006 09:15:00 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Fall issue of the Buffalo Enquirer
It's that time again. We would like photos or your stories (races you've done, fitness, health, a product you've tried, etc.), for the Fall issue of the Buffalo Enquirer. Also, if you have a PR you would like us to publish, please send them our way. Or, if you know of someone who would like to advertise in the newsletter, let us know. We can't have a complete newsletter without your submissions.
Please send to Susanne Cook at and Sara Heintz at by September 15.
Thank you!
Posted by
9/03/2006 10:57:00 PM