Monday, November 19, 2007

Buffalo Bash Details!

Buffalo Bash and Annual Awards Party

Sunday, December 2, 2007

River Front Center - CSUS

5pm-6pm No-host social hour

6pm-6:45 Kung Fu Fats Buffet Dinner
(Dinner includes desert but your special deserts are more than welcome.)

6:45pm Bash Program

  • Awards!
  • Humorous anecdotes!
  • Pictures of people running!
  • People walking funny after running the marathon!
  • We’re makin’ it up as we go along!

Please compete the following form and turn in with check at Tuesday night workout or send to:

Abe Underwood 11406 Gold Hill Ct. Gold River, CA 95670 (638-3900)

Please reserve ____ places at the Buffalo Bash. Reservations are $10 each ($5 child) before December 1. The cost is $15 at the door. Please reserve early. Total enclosed $________.

Name (print) ______________________________

Phone Number _____________

E-mail ___________________________________

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