Monday, November 12, 2007

Clarksburg 30K!

The Chips were out in force this weekend for a shot at this classic, autumn run. The rain stopped and the air was crisp and cool--ideal weather conditions for a long run. Clarksburg seems to be suffering from "event creep" and it seems like there are about a dozen different races going on at the same time now, but the course improvements (namely no out and back on the levee) really seemed to make the run more pleasant and a bit easier on the body.

Although the other races are growing, the PAUSATF 30K remains the focus. The first Chip in was the still improving Ed Randolph, who posted a solid 1:55. Your High Dunger John Blue was next in at 1:58, followed closely by Mark Murray in 1:59. (John is happy to note that this is an 8-minute PR for him at the 30K distance. Mr. Randolph has apparently never run a 30K before.)

The Bisonettes were also well represented by Kirsten Schneider (2:03) followed by Jenny Hitchings (2:03 and 2nd Masters). I believe these were new personal bests, too!

Extra credit goes to David Seyvertsen for running 2:16 after spending the entire night (awake) with his cousin in the emergency room. David swore there was no alcohol involved, but high jinks are implicated. We hope the cousin is healing well.

There were many, many other Chips out there. It made me proud to see all those Chips in uniform!


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