Monday, November 21, 2005

Buffalo Chips Weekly News Update

Run To Feed The Hungry, Thursday, 24 November

Be there or be square….The RTFTH is “the” Fall event for all runners, walkers and everyone. A new start should ease the congestion previously experienced and starting “chip mats” will give all runners a personal “chip time” as well as a total “gun time.” See you THERE.

Buffalo Bash is Coming….
Get your reservations in NOW

The annual highlight of Sacramento running and high society is coming the evening of 4 December at the Riverfront Dining area on the CSUS campus. The BUFFALO BASH will feature a retrospective of the 77-78-79 XC teams that placed 6th, then 4th, then 2nd in the U.S. in Division II XC. Several of the CSUS athletes went on to run 2:15 and FASTER in the marathon after their college careers on campus. Join us to honor these incredible early inspirations in Sacramento running…

Send your reservations to:

Abe Underwood 11406 Gold Hill Ct, Gold River CA 95670

Thanks, Abe

We MUST have a head count for the food planning. Desserts to share are ALWAYS welcome after a marathon !!!!

WOW…Chips Run Strongly at the Davis Turkey Trot 5k/10k,
Saturday 19 November

(From Linda Hall)

Another ideal day for running in Davis at the Turkey Trot 5 and 10 k races. Many from the herd were running in the crisp sunny weather with leaves falling like snow flakes at times!

Here are the chips I saw (I am certain I missed some... my apologies). Many won prizes (as indicated by the age group place in parenthesis). Prizes were very nice blue technical shirts for 1st place winners and (I think) warm caps for second place folks:

Nova Poff (1)
Joel Contreras (2)
Jim Fischer (2)
Karen Fischer
Gail Gutterman

10 k
Maggie Ward (1)
Linda Hall (2) (two minutes faster than last year and a new Sac PR!)
Mike Schwartz
Larry White
Lindsay Pears Dickson (a 10 k PR)
Lillian Shek
Nancy Mitchem

Congratulations to everyone. Apologies to any missed !

Final California Marathon Peaking….

Many of the marathon intent were at Rescue for a last long and hard run, and most had a very encouraging experience over the hills and challenges there. Remember that “Rescue” plus 60-65 minutes is a good “predictor” of your full marathon time at the CIM course.

This coming weekend’s longer run will be a final sharpening effort for the marathon trainers: A 10 mile session from Panera, with the middle 6 miles run at 10 mile RACE PACE or even a bit faster. This should be a super solid “10k” type “time trial” and should give you a final edge for your more comfortable marathon race pace the following weekend. Athletes NOT running the full marathon can still greatly benefit from such a workout as it is the core of even half-marathon training and it even helps support racing at distances down to the 5km territory. Come one, come all for the SUNDAY workout from Panera this week.

CIM Volunteer Options….
from Club President, Tony Lafferty…

The California International Marathon is coming soon to a town near you (yes, Sacramento).

Many club members will be running that day. Even if you are not planning on running it is a great event to get out and support in a variety of ways.

First, the Buffalo Chips will be having a information table at the CIM Expo. We are looking for Club Members interested in answering questions and spreading the word about the club at this event. For those that have never done "booth duty" it can be a lot of fun talking with folks and supporting the club.

Second, The Chips volunteer to work at an Aid Station each year. It is always fun and a welcome site to see you all when often times the wheels are coming off for me. We can use a slew of Chippers to encourage runners there.

If your interested in helping in these first two items contact Tony Smith (Chip Volunteer Coordinator at...

Third: Long Time Chip Wayne Miles is also doing his part and has a special message to share as well... Wane is the CIM Finish Area Manager. Wayne is looking for a variety of duties and promises that it is a rewarding and fun experience.

You can volunteer by emailing Wayne directly at or visiting

CIM is a Big event for Sacramento and the Chips. I hope to see you all out on the course!!

Club Western States 100 Important News:

Buffalo Chips Western States 100 Entry Lottery

It is that time of year again. The Western States 100 will soon be holding the annual drawing to determine who gets the chance to participate. Nearly half of those entered in the draw do not get to run in this most challenging distance race in northern California.

The Buffalo Chips Running Club is awarded one coveted spot each year to be used by a club member. This year we will hold our own WS drawing. The intent is to select the winner at the Bash Sunday December 4).

Requirements to enter this lottery are simple:

1)Must be a Buffalo Chip Club Member.
2) You must have qualified and have a valid, paid registration for the
Western States 100 mile Endurance Run 2006.
3) Submit a request to Tony Lafferty ( by Friday December 2 to participate in the Buffalo Chips WS Lottery.

Selection Process:

1)Board will review selection list from the Official WS Lottery to be held December 3. Those Buffalo Chip Runners that where not selected in the lottery will be entered into the Buffalo Chip Lottery Draw.
2) One name will be selected randomly and notified of selection.
Questions can be directed to Tony Lafferty.

Comrades 2006 Club Trip…Deposits DUE!

Interest deposits ($500/person) are due NOW for those interested in joining the club group trip to the Comrades Marathon in South Africa (12-29 June 2006) and the safari/Kilimanjaro experience after. Checks made out to George Parrott by 4 December. Further payments in early February and then final payment in late April with final amount expected to be about $4700/person. Please see the club website for further trip details.

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