Thursday, November 10, 2005

XC Year-End Wrap-Up

Cross Country season results are in, on the PA/USATF website at , and our Seniors Men once again finished the year as mid-pack as can be: 6th of 11 teams in one of the most competitive divisions in the Pacific Association XC Grand Prix series: See

While our Masters Men showed up for only one race, Folsom, they finished the season ahead of at least one other club: See
Masters, see Steve Ashe for next season...

And our Super-Seniors Men had complete teams at only three races this year; that at least put them on the boards. But they were represented by at least some of their fold at EVERY race this year; and that helped us out, a lot, in completing short Seniors teams at EACH of the races where the Super's didn't have a full team of their own: Empire, Presidio, Folsom, Shoreline, Tamalpa, and the Championships last Sunday. Thanks, guys; our Seniors team couldn't have done it without you! See
Super's, see Ben La Sala or Joel Contreras for next year...

A few of our Chips women showed up at some of the XC races this year, most notably Folsom. But, sadly, even there they were one runner short of a full team. Now's a good time to start building [uh, recruiting?] for next fall; see Gina Mandy...

-Bob Venditti, 916-972-1665,

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